Y7 Bulletin 22.11.24


This week in assembly Ms Lane marked UK disability month. This follows on directly from Anti-Bullying Week. We learned that 2.5 times more bullying is recorded towards disabled young people as towards non-disabled young people. And 70-80% of young disabled people claim to have been bullied in school and college. The assembly also taught us about the history of the struggle for equality and human rights and how changing the environment can make life accessible for everyone. Being at secondary school provides a wealth of opportunities for our students to try a broad range of clubs and activities. Last week I was delighted to see approximately 90 Year 7 students attending Net- ball club along with the many clubs and activities they are already engaging in. I would like to congratulate the Year 7 & 8 Football team who qualified for the Borough final, after their 6-0 win against Hampton High last week. Well done team! It looks like 1st place might be out of reach this term in the form epraise challenge, as 7PFO top the table with over 1,000 points! Second place is still up for grabs with 7PCO, 7SON and 7ESU all within reach of each other. The Winter festival preparations are well underway and the Year 7 Choir will be performing in this as well as the annual Carol concert. There has long been a Waldegrave catchphrase about the importance of ‘throwing yourself into the life of the school’ and our Year 7 students are certainly doing this! Well done and keep it up.



‘Goodnight Mr Tom’ - Michelle Magorian

During WW2, a young boy called William Beech is sent to stay in the countryside with old Mr Tom. Tom discovers bruises on William and realises he was being mistreated by his mother back in London. As the war contin- ues, William’s mother demands that he comes home and leaves his new life in the countryside.

This story explores the powers of friendship and the importance of fighting for the people you love.

- Isla S, Y11

MS O’BRIEN, HEAD OF PERFORMING ARTS & MUSIC WALDEGRAVE RECRUITMENT We are currently recruiting for Exam Invigilators to assist with the conduct and supervision of the School’s public examinations. If you are interested in joining our team, please contact Shelli Fong, Exams Officer, for an application form.

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