Proposed LED streetlighting for Russell Township
they work well and he invited the coun- cillors and staff to come and view them. Sproule Powerline would do the actual ins- tallation.
light pollution which has increased signifi- cantly as the villages have grown. The Township of Alfred and Plantagenet has installed the lights and Beaulne said
Embrun Hydro and Hydro One (two ap- plications) a financial incentive currently offered would help with initial costs. With estimated costs of $383,000 for installation in Russell and Embrun villages the OPA re- bate would be $29,000, reducing the cost to about $354,000. The suggested lighting manufactured by Cree would be low-maintenance with an expected 10-year life span and estimated electricity savings of up to five cents per kilowatt hour or 60 per cent, depending on options chosen. They would also be able to be dimmed if needed. Their design, with light pointing downwards and shielded from going upwards would also reduce
René Beaulne, Manager of Hydro 2000 Inc and a municipal councilor for the Town- ship of Alfred and Plantagenet, made a long and very detailed presentation at Russell Township’s June 3 council meeting in Embrun, where he described the finan- cial advantages to the township of install- ing LED lighting. He proposed installing the new lights in 2015, and stated that if Russell Township made application in 2014 through both
✔ Terre de remplissage ✔ Asphalte ✔ Sable ✔ Terre Noire ✔ Gravier ✔ Scellant d’entrée
✔ Fill ✔ Asphalt ✔ Sand ✔ Top soil ✔ Gravel ✔ Driveway sealer
Photo Candice Vetter
René Beaulne, Manager of Hydro 2000 Inc and amunicipal councilor for theTownship of Alfred and Plantagenet, displayed some proposed new LED lighting to Russell Township Council at their council meeting held June 3. The new lights are reputed to use less power, light the ground more efficiently, reduce light pollution and can possibly receive an Ontario Power Authority incentive if ordered in 2014.
Michel & Chantal Legere Limoges, 613-443-0751 |
inscriptions gratuites en cours! - accepting free registrationS now! date limite - deadline : june 30 juin
ASSOCIATIONS CULTURELLES, COMMUNAUTAIRES, SPORTIVES ET CLUBS ET PROGRAMMES SOCIAUX LOCAUX ! ANNONCER OU METTEZ À JOUR vos activités et grands événements GRATUITEMENT dans la nouvelle édition du guide communautaire. Remplissez le formulaire en ligne à et retournez-le par télécopieur au 613 443-1042 ou par courriel à LOCAL ASSOCIATIONS AND SOCIAL CLUBS, SPORT, CULTURAL AND ARTISTIC, YOUTH CLUBS AND COMMUNITY SERVICES ADD or UPDATE YOUR FREE LISTING of activities and major events in the upcoming edition of the community guide. FILL OUT the FORM available on our website at and return it to us by fax at 613-443-1042 or by e-mail at
composters for sale ESPACES PUBLICITAIRES IL RESTE QUELQUES ESPACES PUBLICITAIRES DISPONIBLES DANS L’ÉDITION 2014-2015! Formats carte d’affaire (175 $ + tx) et 1/4 de page (325 $ + tx). Communiquer avec nous au 613 443-3066, poste 2329 ou par courriel à ADVERTISING SPACE THERE ARE STILL SOME ADVERTISING SPACE AVAILABLE IN THE 2014-2015 PUBLICATION! Business card format ($175+tax) and 1/4 page ($325+tax). First FRPHÚUVWVHUYH&RQWDFWXVDWH[WRUE\ email at NEW: The Township is now selling composters, capacity of 280 litres, at a cost of $46 (taxes incl.) The approximate value of the bin is $70 + taxes. If you are interested in purchasing a composter, please go to the front desk at Town hall, located at 717 Notre-Dame Street to pay your composter and then go to the Municipal garage, located at 857 Route 400 with your receipt to get your composter. IMPORTANT: Please have your receipt with you to pick up your bin. 0XQLFLSDO RIÚFHKRXUV DUH0RQGD\ WR )ULGD\ IURP DP WR pm. This sale is offered to the residents of the Township of Russell only.
Embrun s Limoges s Marionville s Russell
composteurs à vendre
NOUVEAU : La municipalité vend maintenant des composteurs d'une capacité de 280 litres au coût de 46 $ l'unité (taxes incl.) La valeur approximative du composteur est de 70 $ + taxes. Si vous souhaitez vous en procurer un, veuillez vous présenter à la réception de l'hôtel de ville, situé au 717, rue Notre-Dame, pour payer votre composteur et ensuite vous rendre au garage municipal au 857, Route 400 avec votre reçu pour ramasser votre composteur. IMPORTANT : Veuillez avoir votre reçu en main lors du ramassage de votre bac à compost. Les heures d'ouverture des deux établissements municipaux sont de 8 h 30 à 16 h 30 du lundi au vendredi. La vente s'adresse seulement aux résidents de la municipalité de Russell.
717 rue Notre-Dame St. Embrun ON, K0A 1W1 tel: 613-443-3066
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