King's Business - 1910-10

become the Smiting Stone of Dan. 2:34. (2) "Wh at shall be the sign of Thy coming?" Ans. Matt. 24:29 to 25:30. "Immediately after the tribulation of those days.".. Let the student note the time that is being described ,and he will see the period in which our lesson for today falls, and understand the THEN, having known the WHEN. Keeping this same fact in mind also explains verse 34, which has caused commenta- tators mueh trouble. "This generation shall not pass till all these things be fulfilled.'' He did not mean the Jewish race, as some suggest, nor did He mean the generation to whom He was speak- ing, but the generation that will be liv- ing at the elose of the tribulation per- iod, and that will see the signs spoken of in verses 29:31, that generation will not pass away until all shall be fulfilled. II. EXPLANATION. The parable of the Ten Virgins de- scribes the kingdom as it will be at -the comes to earth to establish His king- close of "the tribulation, when Christ dom, which occurs after the epistle body has ben caught away, after the Bride of Revelation 19th has been trans- lated, the marriage consummated, and the Christ with His completed Body and united Bride return to establish His kingdom on the earth, and He sends His angels (vs. 31. See also Matt. 13:41-43). The first and tenth verses make this clear. " Then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened unto ten virgins which took their lamps and went forth to meet the Bridegroom and the Brids. " Cambridge Mss. (D) as well as (X) and (1). Also the follow- ing versions: The Duay, the Vulgate and also the Old Latin which preceded the VuJgate—all read that way. The tenth verse, which reads in the revised text: "They that were ready went in with Him to the marriage feast"—not the marriage, that had already taken place-—but now we have an earthly scene of the feast which follows the marriage, which was in perfect harmony with the eastern custom. We see from this lesson that the re- peated warnings which Christ had given His people, even as in the days of Noah,

were unheeded, and like the good man of the house they failed to " w a t c h ." The parable of the Ten Virgins is only another picture of what Israel's condi- tion will be ' ' when the Son of Man shall come." " Th ey all slumbered and slept." This has ben Israel's condi- tion all through this dispensation. Rom. 11:7-12. Jesus is now a "L i ght to the Gentiles," Isa. 42:6, Luke 2:32, Bom. 11:29. There will be a faithful com- pany in Israel represented by the wise virgins, who will recognize and welcome Him. There will also be a rebellious company, likened to the foolish virgins, or unfaithful servants. Matt. 24:45- 51; also Matt. 13:47-50, Ezek. 20:33-38, who will continue in unfaithfulness to the end, and be cast out. i n . APPLICATION. The important truth to be taught from this lesson is that Jesus is coming. We should impress upon our students the-importance of being ready for Him. Teachers, are you ready? Beware of the scoffers which the Scriptures say will appear in the last days. II Pet. 3.1-14. There are many of them today. All who have life through His death should love His appearing and await His coming with great expectancy. Nothing can ever take place in -this world of so great importance. His com- ing in humility and His coming in glory, are the two great mountain peaks of Scripture, around which all other truths cluster. Al who share in His grace that comes from His Cross work, will then have part in the glory of His throne work, made co-heirs with Him forever., Hallelujah! The subject might be considered un- der the following headings: 1. Jesus is Coming. (a) Jesus promised it. John 14:1-3. (b) Angels foretold it. Acts 1:9-13. (c) The Holy Spirit through the apostles testify to it. 2. The Time of His Coming a Mystery. (a) They who set the dates go be- yond what is written. (b) We should be watchful, faithful and fruitful till He comes.

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