King's Business - 1910-10

cording to the deeds done in the body. II Cor. 5:10. There will be degrees in heaven as well as in earth and hell. III. APPLICATION. The important truth to be taught from today's lesson is our accountability to God for our time, talent and possessions. There is a three-fold sense in whieh we are all accountable to God. 1. As Sinners. 2. As Sons. . 3. As Servants. 1. As Sinners. (a) We were all hopelessly involved, with nothing to pay. (b) Jesus came and squared the ac- count for lis; took our sins. II Cor. 5:19; and settled for ever the sin ques- tion, Heb. 10:12-14. " The Last Judgment." Matt. 25: 31-46 Theme: The Judgment of Living Na- tions. Outline: 1. The. Court. 2. The Christ as Judge. 3. The Commendation of the Right- eous. 4. The Condemnation of the Wicked. The title of this lesson is unfortun- ate, because untrue. A failure to see the dispensational aspect of Scripture blinds the minds of people. The twen- ty-fifth of Matthew is not the last judg- ment; it does not say so, nor can it mean so. Space for this lesson forbids any adequate treatment of the subject of the Judgment. Many judgments have already taken place—many more are to follow. Much confusion exists in the effort to make Matthew 25 and Rev. 20:11-15 harmonize. Better .give it up, for they are a thousand years apart. A brief comparison will help to see this. In Matthew the throne of His glory is set upon earth. , In Revelation the earth and heaven fled away. In iviatthew the living nations are

2. As Sons. We are subject to discipline and chas- tenings. Heb. 12:3-15. We have dis- covered that no chastening seemeth joy- ous, but grievous. Nevertheless, after- wards it yieldeth the peaceable fruits of righteousness unto them who are ex- ercised thereby. 3. As Servants. Like old Israel we must render a strict account to God for the deeds done in the body and we will be rewarded accordingly.- Rom. 14:10, II Cor. 5:10. God has entrusted us aH with some talent. Are we using it for Him? If we aré faithful in' the use of these tal- ents for Him, He will entrust us with more in this life as well as the one to come. We miist use or lose. The day of reckoning is surely com- ing. The time for service is short, but the rewards are for eternity. called to judgment. In Revelation the dead, small and great. In Matthew there are three parties— the sheep, goats and brethren. In Rev- elation only one. Pity those whose names were not in the Book of Life. In Matthew the sheep and goats were judged for their treatment of the brethren. In Revelation the judgment is for their relation to the Lord Jesus Christ. The Matthew judgment evidently re- fers to the treatment of the Jews who are the brethren of the Lord, by the Nations. The Revelation Judgment is of all the unsaved from Adam to the close of the Millenium. ' There is no resurrection spoken of in Matthew, but in Revelation it is a res- urrection of all the unsaved. The Court. There can be no question as to where the Court will be. It must be where the throne of His glory is. The throne must be where David's throne was, for He must sit upon the throne of David, his Father, Luke 1:32. That throne will be in Jerusalem. We know that when He returns His feet must stand

SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON, October 16, 1910

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