King's Business - 1910-10

prison, as a general thing. Christ iden- tifies Himself with His people always, Acts. 9:4, 5. . We minister to Christ when we minister to Christ's people. A proof of our faith in Ghrist, and our having a new nature, is to be found in our conduct, and if children of God we will do good to all men, "especially to those of the household of f a i t h ." Gal. 6:10. If we love Christ, that love will constrain us to love all people, and to minister to them in the name of our Christ. The brethren here, however, correspond to the company represented in Rev. 7:13. This we know, that the resurrection of the saints has occurred long before this, and that the saints have eome with their Lord, and are seated with Him in the judgment scene. Me." The failure to recognize Christ in His people is followed by a failure to identify themselves with Christ by the ministry of gifts to His people. The glory of a nation is not her prosperity, her culture or her power of arms, but her recognition of the claim of Christ. The rejection of His word and Hi» witnesses is a rejection of Himself, only identity with Christ can save. These go to their own place; if they will not identify themselves with Christ there is but one logical sequence —they must be forever identified with Christ's enemy and dwell with him in eternal punishment. There is but one place for thè rejectors of all ages—the lake of fire into which all of the un- saved must be cast. There is no ground ¿or the teaching of Russell's Millenial Dawnism, and that Ought to be made very plain in this lesson. The everlast- ing punishment of the wicked is clearly defined, and their punishment must be as everlasting as the blessedness of the saved. Whatever view is held with ref- erence to the time of this Judgment, the solemn thing about it is, that some people are to be shut up forever as a just recompense of reward, for failurè to recognize Jesus Christ as Son of God and Son Of Man—the rightful ruler— God's King, who loved and died for the saving of men: The Condemnation. "Depart from

upon the Mount of Olives, Zech, 14:4. God's center for the administration of the affairs of His government will be in the city of His choice, in the midst of His covenant people Israel. Luke 1:33. The Son of Man is to be the Judge. " T h e Father judgeth no man, but hath committed all judgment unto the Son, and hath given Him authority to exe- cute judgment also, because He is the Son of Man." John 5:22-27. Rev. 20:12 says, " I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God"—but the re- vised text reads " b e f o re the throne." Before the Son of Man, who was here personally upon the earth, every hu- man being must be manifested. As Son of God He quickens the dead, spiritu- ally and corporeally, John 5:25. As Son of Man He judges. The saints who eome with the Lord will sit with Him, I Cor. 6:2, 3. Matt. 19:28, 2 Thess. Christ is the anointed King. Here He calls Himself both Son of Man and King, vs. 31-34. Those on His right hand He calls the blessed of my Father. They are commended for do- ing good to His brethren—these my brethren—who seem to be a particular class. If brethren refers to those who do His will, Matt. 12:49-50, then He should have said, " you have done good to each other." Again, those who did this good did not know "they were doing it unto Him. This scene is often taken by those who are Unitarians, or self- righteous people, as' a justification of their position. They glory in their good works. There .can be no salvation save by faith in Jesus Christ—faith in His atoning blood. During the great tribulation period the Jews will be subject to even greater suffering than in any previous age— they will be hungry and naked and in prison. God's people now are not among the hungry and naked and in 1:9-10.- "Come Ye Blessed." The Christ as Judge.






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