Board Converting News, June 6, 2022

LDI Continues (CONT’D FROM PAGE 1)

throughout the U.S. and Mexico. Despite business inter- ests that expand well beyond the corrugated packaging

industry, both father and son have been very visible and active industry leaders – and AICC members – for decades. Jack works closely with his sales leaders and General Managers throughout the LDI family of compa- nies to drive growth through organic sales and acquisitions, perhaps most

operations under a new name that reflected its reach: Lib- erty Diversified Industries, from which it marketed and sold an array of products, from 100 percent recycled paper, col- or and functional paper coatings, supply chain solutions,

and packaging designs, to custom corrugated plastic, roofing products, office solutions and retail fixtures. As current Chairman, Mike Fiter- man is the third generation to lead Liberty Diversified International (the company name was changed again in 2008 to reflect its ongoing growth

Jack Fiterman

clearly evident in the southwestern U.S. and California, where LDI’s corrugated packaging footprint continues its exponential expansion. LDI Packaging: Westward Expansion Liberty Packaging operates under two divisions – North and South. The North Division has a host of packaging plants and paper mill located in the Midwest. The South Packaging Region is currently an 8-Plant system that con- tinues to expand.

Mike Fiterman

and expansion), which is now one of Minnesota’s larg- est privately-held companies. Mike’s son, Jack Fiterman, is the Vice President of Business Development for LDI, which today employs nearly 2,000 people in 23 facilities

Bob Walton, VP of Packaging South, joined the company in September of 2014 with LDI’s acquisition of Harbor Packaging in Poway, near San Diego, where he was CEO. (Harbor Packaging also owned a second facility in Ti- juana, Mexico, which was included as part of LDI’s acquisition). Walton already had a rela- tionship with the Fitermans through the LA Corr sheetfeeder partnership. Their business philosophies meshed and the purchase pro- cess was relatively quick. With the acquisition of the 2-plant Harbor Packaging operation, LDI South has become an 8-plant system that includes a facility in Fort Worth, Texas, which was already an LDI plant for many years; Preferred Packaging in Phoenix, which was acquired in 2016; South- ern Container in Houston, acquired in 2021: and most recently, Dallas Container with facil- ities in Dallas and Amarillo, Texas. LDI already ran a box plant in Mexicali, Mexico, and has a distribution center approximately 180 miles from their Phoenix facility in Nogales, Mexico “We been on an acquisition run and we’re al- ways looking for new opportunities,” says Wal- ton,” But we’ve grown organically, too, espe- cially in the packaging division, so it’s not just Mergers & Acquisitions that have generated our growth.” LDI South’s San Diego facility in Poway was designed and built by the owners of Harbor Packaging in 2000 specifically as a convert- ing box plant. The large facility, which also serves as the company’s regional office, con- tains modern, spacious office and meeting ar- eas more befitting a Los Angeles tech compa- ny than that of a corrugated packaging facility.



June 6, 2022

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