January 2025 Volume 5 Edition 6


Official Newsletter of the Placer Union High School District Spring term provides many fun opportunities to attend athletic games, dances, and performances, but it also has important events like CAASP testing. Be sure to know when your school is doing the testing so that you can plan accordingly. We are hopeful this newsletter finds you all continuing to enjoy the Holiday festivities that occur during this time of year! It’s hard to believe it’s 2025!!! For our soon-to-be graduates, this term will feel like a blink as you prepare for the next chapter of your journey. Be sure to monitor all of the ‘senior’ information as it is sent out and also take time to enjoy each passing moment. These are wonderful times that you will treasure. All other students - you will be getting the opportunity to preview courses and work with your counselors in selecting next year's class schedules during the coming months.

December Board Meeting Tuesday - January 21, 2025 5:30 pm RVO Meeting Room 13000 New Airport Road | Auburn

Sarah Rath, Communications Officer Sarah Rath We’ll see students back on campus on the 6th! Happy New Year!!

Ready, Set ...

Please remember that PUHSD partners with GoKid to provide a free carpooling app to all PUHSD families. This voluntary program will allow you to streamline your school commute by self- organizing carpools, connect with other families, drastically reduce your driving time, and help reduce traffic issues. The GoKid planner helps organize carpools for school, after-school activities, and more - with families from your school community. If you have questions or need support, please email GoKid at support@gokid.mobi.

An email with more information will be sent to all families in January. Please consider using this optional free app to assist with travel needs for students.

If not, please ensure that your information in your Aeries portal is accurate. Also, please check your Spam folder for missed messages. Be sure to activate your account which allows you to customize your preferences - such as language - and download the App so you receive important messages immediately. This is a great tool for everyone! Use the QR codes to download the App.

P INT The Podcasts will be aired on the 1st and 15th of each month during the school year (unless that needs adjusting due to topics/schedule).

Episode #1 ~ Welcome Back Episode #2 ~ CBE Recap with Trent Wilson Episode #3 ~ Flag Football Programs with Steve Birch and Players Episode #4 ~ Why Attendance Matters Episode #5 ~ Homecoming & 20-Year Celebration @ FHS Episode #6 ~ Career Technical Education (CTE) @ CHS Episode #7 ~ Wellness Centers Episode #10 ~ Happy New Year!! Episode #9 ~ State Seal of Civic Engagement (SSCE) Episode #8 ~ Inmate Education Program

PODCAST IDEAS???? Is there a program, people, or something you’d like to learn more about through a podcast episode? We’d love to hear some of your ideas!!! Please send your suggestions to Sarah Rath at srath@puhsd.k12.ca.us Thanks for listening, and remember, we do what we do for the students... because that’s The Point ! I had the pleasure of joining many community members in Placer High School’s “Mock Interviews”. We interviewed seniors who are in the Lifeskills class this term. They were impressive and I can’t wait to see the amazing things they will do after high school! PUHSD Proud! Thank YOU PHS Community Members for your participation!!

TRUSTEE AREA 4 ~ BOARD VACANCY The Placer Union High School District (PUHSD) is seeking a qualified candidate to fill one seat (Area 4) on the Board of Trustees. The vacancy was created on November 20, 2024, when Ron Oates filed his resignation from the Board of Trustees with the Placer County Superintendent of Schools, effective immediately. The Trustee (Area 4) vacancy will be filled by Board appointment. Beginning Wednesday, December 18, 2024, through January 7, 2025, the Board will be accepting applications to fill this position. This appointment process is essential to ensure that the District can continue to effectively govern and support its schools. The PUHSD Board is committed to a transparent and inclusive selection process and encourages community members who are passionate about education to apply.


BOTH forms must be submitted on or before Tuesday, January 7, 2025, by 4:00 pm. Email to datkins@puhsd.k12.ca.us or

Hand-deliver beginning December 18, 2024, through January 7, 2025. (The District office will be closed for Winter Break (12/23/24 through 1/3/25)


12/18/24 - 1/7/25 - Application Window Open 1/7/25 at 4:00 pm - Deadline for application submission

Candidates must submit their application and qualification form by email to Desiree Atkins (datkins@puhsd.k12.ca.us) or in person by the deadline (January 7, 2025, at 4:00 pm - please take note of Winter Break hours listed above). Applicants should be aware that answers to the questions may be made available to the public. 1/9/25 - Board Subcommittee reviews applicants for eligibility 1/16/25 - Special Board Meeting - 2:00 pm The PUHSD Board of Trustees will hold a Special Board meeting on January 16, 2025, to interview the candidates during a public session The selected applicant will take the provisional Oath of Office at that Special Board Meeting 1/19/25 - Last day to make an appointment or call for a Special Election

1/21/25 - Regular Board Meeting with new Board Member 1/24/25 - Last day to give notice of provisional appointment 2/13/25 - Last day for petition calling for a Special Election to be filed


The Board of Trustees is responsible for setting policies, overseeing the District’s budget ensuring financial accountability, and developing long-term strategic plans (LCAP) to align with community educational goals. Trustees also ensure that the District is effectively governed and operates in accordance with State laws and regulations. To accomplish their duties, Trustees participate in monthly meetings typically held on the 3rd Tuesday of the month. In addition to preparing for and attending Board meetings, some personal time is necessary for individual study and growth, such as attending regional meetings, training, and conferences.



From the desk of Crystal Eatherton, Director Child Nutrition Services Department


13000 New Airport Road Auburn, CA 95603 Phone: 530.886.4400 Fax: 530.886.4449 Placer Union High School District

The Placer Union High School District (PUHSD) is committed to ensuring equal, fair, and meaningful access to employment and education services and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. PUHSD understands and will address the intersectionality of identities and how they can lead to unique forms of discrimination or harassment. PUHSD prohibits discrimination, harassment (including sexual harassment), intimidation, or bullying in any employment practice, education program, or educational activity on the basis and/or association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics of age, ancestry, color, ethnic group identification, gender, gender identity or expression, genetic information, immigration status, marital status, medical information, national origin, disability, parental status, political affiliation, pregnancy and related conditions, race, religion, retaliation, sex, sexual orientation, military or veterans status, homelessness, foster status, or any other basis prohibited by California state and federal nondiscrimination laws consistent with Education Code 200 and 220, Government Code 11135, and Title IX. If you believe you have been subjected to discrimination, harassment (including sexual harassment), intimidation, or bullying, you should contact Title IX Coordinator (Students) Steve Caminiti, 13000 New Airport Road, Auburn, 530.886.4402, scaminiti@puhsd.k12.ca.us; Title II (Students) and Section 504 Coordinator Carrie Warda, 13000 New Airport Road, Auburn, 530.886.4433, cwarda@puhsd.k12.ca.us; and/or Title IX and Title II Coordinator (Staff) Elena DalFavero, 13000 New Airport Road, Auburn, 530.886.4426, edalfavero@puhsd.k12.ca.us.

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