The Lord of The Rings: The Rings of Power

PROPS Set Decorator Megan Vertelle and her team would make up plates that were taken away by other departments for little photo shoots to check how they would work in context with other aspects of the production design.“It was just one small part of that bigger picture,” she says.

SET DECORATION Vertelle saw food as “another symbol or a piece in the language of that culture that we had to create. What are the colors? What are the textures? How’s it gonna look on a plate?”

PROPS “Food for props has always been the hardest,” says Property Master Matt Cornelius. And beside the difficulty of making things look fresh for numerous takes and long days on set, the difficulty of his work here was compounded further by layers of COVID safety protocols.

The Southlander and Númenórean victory banquet required the close coordination of many departments, including set decoration and the property master.

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