GREENMASTERY It was the task of Greens Supervisor
Simon Lowe and Greens Leading Hand Alison Todd to source 126 aspen trees for this sequence. Aspen trees do not grow in New Zealand, so trees had to be made using a special molding process and elements from other trees.
PRODUCTION DESIGN From an architectural perspective, Production Designer Ramsey Avery treated the forest setting as if it were a building, with a corridor of trees leading to a main atrium.
CHOREOGRAPHY Supervising Movement Coach Lara Fischel-Chisholm drew on each realm’s natural surroundings to sculpt the acting performances: “To have that architecture reflected in the body.”
High King Gil-galad and the Elves of Lindon honor Galadriel and her company on their return from a centuries-long search for Sauron.
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