The Lord of The Rings: The Rings of Power

PROPS Weapons Master Joe Dunckley made sure the weapons used by the soldiers of Númenor were like fine jewelry with gold inlay. The pieces feature iconography that reflects their history.

PRODUCTION DESIGN Unit Production Manager Pip Gillings

DIALECTS Supervising Dialect Coach Leith McPherson

was stunned by the bespoke sets built for Númenor: “I’ve never seen anything like it in my life. I actually got lost in there when I was trying to find the set a couple of times because it really feels like you’re in this environment, this town, this village, this space.”

worked closely with extras in crowd scenes like this to make sure dialogue and dialect were always on point. Sometimes, directors and showrunners were updating scripts and setups the night before the shoot.

Attention to detail—from the production design of Númenor to the costumes of the extras and the dialects heard in the utterances of the crowd—in this scene, where Elendil (Lloyd Owen) seeks volunteers for the expedition to Middle-earth.

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