STUNTS Supervising Stunt Coordinator Glenn Suter was astonished by Morfydd Clark’s dexterity as a swordsperson. “We talk about fight beats, in which a single physical move is a beat. I think there’s over 60 beats for her. She’s very hard on herself. She’s tough. She’s a perfectionist.”
STORY Showrunners J.D. Payne and Patrick McKay envisioned the early episodes of the series to be based on the tensions and maneuvers — psychological and physical—that come before swordplay. “We talked about wanting to set up a situation where it’s not about action,” says McKay. “It’s about tactics. It’s a chess game.”
CHOREOGRAPHY For the ethereal, immortal Elves, the style of movement was inspired by their relationship with nature and time. Supervising Movement Coach Lara Fischel-Chisholm observes: “In some ways, they transcend [time]…They move beautifully because beauty itself is of great importance to their culture.”
Galadriel (Morfydd Clark) instructs the Númenórean recruits in sword training through a choreographed sequence comprised of more than 60 beats.
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