"We’re back, baby!"
craft brewery’s delivery service was back on
the road.
“We’re back, baby!”
after an anonymous complaint led to the
With his typical enthusiasm, Beau’s All
shutdown of the fledgling beer delivery
Natural co-owner Steve Beauchesne
service that helps homeless youth inOttawa.
But at the request of Glengarry-Prescott-
$12 million
RussellM.P.P. Grant Crack, Ontario Premier
Dalton McGuinty intervened, giving the
BYOB program an exemption under the
provincial alcohol distribution law.
The Alcohol and Gaming Commission of
Ontario, acting on a grievance from an
A late-year spurt will be required if
Hawkesbury’s construction totals this
unspecified brewery, told Operation Come
year are to match those for 2010.
Home that it could not continue its home
As of the end of October, the town had
delivery service of Beau’s beer.
issued 217 permits for work with a total
"I was confident that my
estimated value of $12,264,450. In 2010,
the municipality had issued 255 permits
government would be able to
for work valued at $19,905,350, according
fix this."
Jean-Claude Miner.
So far this year, the town has issued
that alcohol intended for home delivery can
CatholicDistrict School Board of EasternOntario vice-chair Todd Lalonde, chair Brent
permits for 28 new dwelling units worth
only be purchased from the LCBO or The
LatonanddirectorWilliamGartlandfollowing the trustees’ election to theirposts at the
about $2.5 million, for 148 residential
Beer Store.
board’s annual meeting.
renovation projects valued at $1.8 million
However, the service got the go-ahead
and for 41 commercial renovation jobs
New Catholic board chair
late last Friday afternoon.
totaling $2.8 million.
“I’m humbled, amazed and awed to say
that I’ve just been informed that our project
Breakfast with Santa
For the first time in ten years, Ron Eamer is not presiding over Catholic District
Vankleek Hill welcomes Santa Claus
tostart backup!”, SteveBeauchesnewroteon
School Board of Eastern Ontario meetings.
December 18, at the Community Centre
Brent Laton has been acclaimed to succeed Eamer, who represents Glengarry County
the Beau’s web page. “I’ve maintained
above the arena. The occasion is “Breakfast
and Cornwall, and who had been chair of the CDSBEO for the past ten terms.
throughout this situation that I felt that we
WithSanta,”asumptuous feast ofpancakes
Todd Lalonde, who also represents Glengarry andCornwall, succeeds Latonwho had
werebeingheldbackbya technical oversight
and sausage with real maple syrup, that
been previously been vice-chair.
in the language of a regulation and that I was
will be served from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
There will be presents for all children. All
confident thatmygovernmentwouldbeable
to his first term as chair at the board’s annual meeting. He is entering his ninth year as
profits from the event will be donated to
to fix this. But,wow, I never thought itwould
VankleekHillMinor Sports tohelp families
happen so quickly.”
Lalonde is starting his sixth year as a member of the board.
who need financial assistance to pay for
He concluded, “What an emotional end
Director William Gartland presented his annual report at the meeting.
their children’s participation.
to a rollercoaster of a week.”
It can be seen at www.cdsbeo.on.ca.
New Year’s Eve
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