Northern PT: 3 Powerful Steps to Stronger Hips and Knees



Free Tai Chi Monday nights at 6pm at NPT! Golden Ball Leaders take into consideration the ability and stamina of every participant. These gentle warm-up exercises and simple postures increase circulation and stamina, and can be done standing or sitting down; some people do a little of both. It is easy to accommodate individual needs. Golden BallTai Chi practice strengthens the body, calms the mind and lift the spirits. It is also a proven method to help develop better balance. The carefully designed Golden Ball postures of gently flowing motions encourage a natural release of tension and increase circulation. We feel more energized. This evidence-based system, used all over the world, improves health and in older adults usually helps our posture as natural flexibility is restored. Clinical tests point to the value of this exercise in aiding people to strengthen weakening of bones and improves coordination. Find out more at the following link! Joint Strength Incorporate strengthening exercises into your sports routines. This is especially important for runners and weekend warriors. A little strengthening exercising can go a long way to prevent sports injuries and soreness. The stronger your muscles are around your joints, the better ability you have to play and avoid injury. Joint Coordination You have an inherent sense of where your joints are in space (proprioception) and how they are moving in space (kinesthetic sense). This allows your brain to coordinate the muscle movements around your joints. By improving your balance and coordination with specific exercises, you greatly reduce the chance of injury and will enhance your sports performance. If you would like to enhance your ability to run, play sports and prevent injury, then talk to one of our physical therapy specialists today.

Whether you are a high school athlete or just like to exercise for fun, improving your body’s ability to exercise is a good challenge. While there are many different ways to train for your particular sport, including nutrition, we are going to focus on improving your joint performance and stability. This will allow you to run longer, cut faster, and throw better. Joint Stability Improve your sports ability through joint stability. When a joint is more stable, muscles can function better. For knees, ankles and hips try balance exercises on uneven surfaces such as foam or a folded towel. Try standing on one leg while doing small knee bends. Joint Flexibility Joints need to be flexible in order to move through their proper range and allow muscles to pull correctly. For many people who are runners, stretching must be done every day to maintain muscle and tissue elasticity. Dynamic stretching is often best, where the stretch is done in a moving fashion, such as in Yoga. This is different than a prolonged stretch.

Northern PT Events

Every Thursday morning from 6:30am - 7:30am our very own Jennifer Legacy-Gray, PT runs a Pilates class at Northern Physical Therapy. The cost for the class is $10.00. This class is for all abilities.

If you are interested please email Jesse Dimick at to reserve a spot!

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