Kenny G & Company Fine Jewelers 2022 Holiday Flipbook

This Christmas, Your FOREVER GIFT MOMENT begins at Kenny G & Company Fine Jewelers, Sacramento’s Most Trusted Jeweler, since 1997… This interactive flipbook is created with FlippingBook, a service for streaming PDFs online. No download, no waiting. Open and start viewing right away!

Findingtheperfectdiamondcanbe veryexciting,butitcanalsobeveryconfusing. W henshop ingthelocalandonlinecompetition, characteristicsofadiamondthatap eartobethesame H oliday S eason C elbratingour 25th

Color,ClarityandCutareoftenhundreds tothousandsofdolarsdiferentinprice;

andyouaskyourself“W HY”? W ithourCad-Cam Technology, Ken yG & Company

hasbe ntheleaderineducatingyouwithour stateoftheartDiamondGradingCat-Scan,

anunbiasedgradingresult ogiveyou confidenceinyourbuyingdecision. W ecanhelpeducateyoutounderstandthosediferences. W ewantyoutoknow,shop ingat Ken yG & CompanyFineJewelers

wilsaveyoumoremoneythanshop ing anyothercompetitorwhencomparing “DiamondforDiamond”. Ken yG ordon


W eopened ourdoorsin 1997, ofering thebesteducation to ourcustom ers w ith technology and inform ation.

From ourvalued em ploye sand m anagem ent, w ew ould liketo thank you,ourloyalcustom ers, friendsand fam ily foryourbusines ,loyalty and your friendship.M ostofal,w eappreciatethatofal the choicesyou have,you havechosen usoverthelast 25w onderfulyears. O urlow pres ure,inform ativesalesapproach, along w ith ourcom petitivediam ond pricing,hasearned usthedistinction as“ThePlacetoShop”foral your “ForeverGiftM om ents”. W ethankyou foralow ingustobeincluded in yourjourney throughoutal yourspecialAnniversaries, Birthdays,Engagem entsO r"JustBecause". H olidaySavingsjustforyou!

(M inim um purchaseof$1,0 ) SAVE $30 (M inim um purchaseof$30 ) SAVE $10

N otrede m ableforcash value.M ay N otbeused in conjunction w ith any otherofersw hich m ay includetrade-ins,saleordiscounted item s. O fervalid until12/31/22

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