Spring term 2023 Curriculum Information leaflets

The Federation of Abbey Infant & Junior School Curriculum Map for Reception. 2022-23 - Spring term For specific class information see https://abbey-federation.secure- primarysite.net/topic/class-pages For dates see https://abbey-federation.secure-primarysite.net/diary

Physical development In P.E. children will be using story to practise large and small movements which develop core strength. This builds on skills previously developed in Nursery and the Autumn Term and includes kneeling, balancing, forward and backwards weight transference. They will be developing fine motor skills through different activities such as mark making and pencil control, cutting and painting. Children will talk about and practise making healthy choices related to exercise, eating, sleeping, oral health and hygiene. achievements through small group activities, which will develop their listening and questioning skills. They will continue to build their vocabulary using concept words that are more complex such as ‘shorter’ and ‘through’. This will also support them to give facts about specific subjects such as wild animals and dinosaurs and describe habitats. Communication and language Children will participate in circle time discussions, role play opportunities, ask questions about the stories we read and re-tell stories. Children will have the opportunity to share their personal interests and

Email: yr@abbey-inf.sandwell.sch.uk

Our topic is ‘ Long Ago and Far Away ’ with a focus on ‘In the w ild ’ and ‘ Dinosaurs ’. Through this topic w e will be building on children’s previous knowledge of animals and dinosaurs developing specific vocabulary. We will talk about different animals and the environments that they live in. During this term we will; dress up as animals for our Jungle Party, go on our first trip to the Safari Park and we will have a Dinosaur Explorer Day. We are also planning a trip to the local library and invite parents in for a ‘Let’s do it day’.

Phonics & early reading Children will be applying their phonic knowledge to segment and blend words (e.g. sh-i-p, t-r-ee, b-oi-l, b-r- oo-m,) and will recognise more tricky words (e.g. all, are, my, her) in sentences. Children will begin to read simple short sentences by using sound talk where appropriate. Children will spell and write out CVC words and begin to include tricky words in short sentences that they can begin to read themselves. Children will be encouraged to use their phonic knowledge to attempt to write more unfamiliar words.

Life skills, soft skills and bucket list experiences

Expressive arts and design

Mathematics Children will be working with numbers to 10, comparing numbers to 10 and then moving onto addition to 10. Children will investigate measuring, working on length, height and weight in practical, hands on experiences. This builds on the work in Nursery by extending vocabulary of space and measure. Children use this language to order and measure items. Children will be learning about Number bonds to 10, then moving on to subtraction. They will then be exploring patterns. Understanding the world Children will talk about their favourite animals and why they are special to them. There will be opportunities to engage in a jungle themed role play. They will learn that humans and other animals can grow including exploring the life cycles of different animals. Children will explore the natural world describing what they see, hear and feel outside. Children will know the names of common fruits and vegetables and sort healthy and less healthy foods. They will begin to comment on images of familiar situations in the past and they will find out about Christians celebrating Easter.

Personal, social and emotional development

Children will continue to maintain personal hygiene and grow an awareness of personal safety and emergency services such as the police. They will also learn about road safety. Children will begin to explore cooking and using a range of apparatus. Children will develop their decision-making skills by becoming aware of repercussions and alternatives; these are all things that help to guide them into making a good choice. Children will develop their creativity and problem solving by making different models and choosing from a range of resources independently. Children will achieve their bucket list experiences e.g. JungleParty dress up day, ‘Let’s do it day ’ , Safari Park trip, Dinosaur Explorer Day.

In our music sessions the children will be finding different ways to keep a steady pulse and explore rhythms using a variety of instruments. Children will be using a range of paints, pastels and other resources to create observational drawings of plants and animals. They will be creating their own props to aid their role-play using a variety of resources. This will include; planning their ideas, using materials to create and evaluating their choices.

Children will be given opportunities to talk about making good choices and how they feel when they achieve their goals including steps that they could take to accomplish a task. Children will demonstrate what they can do and develop their self-confidence to persevere when challenges occur. They will also become more aware of the perspectives of others and how they can help others understanding that everyone needs help sometimes. Literacy O ur ‘Talk for Writing’ story ‘ The Selfish Crocodile ’ is fun, memorable and exposes the children to descriptive language that can be used in their writing. Our ‘Dinosaur Factfile’ is informative and encourages the children to use technology to support their writing. We introduce three new concepts per week for children to learn and also introduce key words to use in our shared writes. Children are given the opportunity to explore both indoor and outdoor environments to mark make, form letters and write their own sentences alongside many opportunities to develop reading and phonic skills.

Characteristics of effective learning

Children are encouraged to use their problem solving skills and be persistent when a challenge occurs. Children learn by taking risks, engaging in new experiences and being willing to ‘have a go’. Activities will be planned to ensure children challenge themselves.

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