Spring term 2023 Curriculum Information leaflets

The Federation of Abbey Infant & Junior School Curriculum Map for Year 2 202-23 - Spring term For specific class information see https://abbey-federation.secure- primarysite.net/year-2/ For dates see https://abbey-federation.secure-primarysite.net/diary Email:y2@abbey-inf.sandwell.sch.uk

Computing Children will start the term looking at how to use the internet safely and will develop their understanding of the SMART message when online. Children will use the internet to research a chosen Australian animal. They will take notes, using the internet safely. Children will be able to cut and paste images and type into a document and then they will also learn how to spell check their finished leaflet. Children will become confident in saving their work in a folder for future use. Religious Education Children will spend the first half term looking at holy places. How do places of worship connect with what they have learnt about Christians, Muslims and Sikhs? They will then look at places of worship, prayer, symbols connect to children’s own ‘special places ’ . Children will then look at ‘ Why does Easter matter to Christians? ’ Children will recognise that ‘incarnation’ and ‘ s alvation’ are part of a ‘big story’ in the Bible. Children will learn how Christians show their beliefs about death and resurrection and connect whether they find it helpful to believe in life in heaven after death. Science The children will explore and compare the differences between things that are living, that were once alive and that have never been alive. The children compare animals from different habitats and explain why a certain habitat is suited to them. We shall be exploring desert, woodland, ocean and rainforest habitats as well as finding out about the Australian plants and animals that live there. English The focus will be on explanation texts, instructions, poetry and a diary entry during this term. The children will look at the features (bare bones) and sentence types (toolkit) that are needed to create a set of instructions and then use these to write their own set of instructions for a gruesome sandwich. In poetry, the children will be looking at a nonsense poem and carrying out activities based on the vocabulary that has been used. They will finish the poetry unit by writing their own simile poem. Discrete lessons will also be taught covering spelling, use of punctuation and correct grammar (SPaG) as well as developing their comprehension skills.

Maths There will be a focus on methods that can be used to solve division and apply this knowledge with the related multiplication facts. The children will be identifying and describing the properties of both 2D and 3D shapes. They will also be taught to recognise, find, name and write fractions of a length, shape, set of objects or quantity. We will also be learning about statistics, where the children will be showing and interpreting information in different ways such as; tally charts, pictograms and block diagrams. There will also be the opportunity to use units of measure such as centimetres and metres when discussing and comparing length and height. The children will have the opportunity to use practical resources to develop their understanding of mathematical concepts and will be encouraged to provide reasons for their thinking. Music During this term the children will look at Rock music. Children will start to understand rhythms, symbols and musical notation. They will use this when learning to play simple tunes on glockenspiels. They will have the opportunity to improvise and compose within a group and also to listen to and appraise different styles of music.

Our topic is Australia! Through this topic we will be linking our Geography, Science, History, Art, Design and Technology.

This topic is all about Australia, where it is in the world and comparing it to the UK and our local area. We shall look at living things and their habitats, including both plants and animals. Children will be looking at the Australian artist Georges Seurat, leading on them creating their own piece in his style. We also look forward to inviting parents into school for a sewing project where children will be making a puppet using their sewing skills. During this term, the children will be given the opportunity to experience, using their senses, some Australian animals through an in -school animal visit. There will be a Science day held in school, where the children will plan and carry out a range of investigations.

Art & Design We shall be learning how to sketch an Australian animal and how they can be brought to life using different techniques. Children will be using their mark making skills, using pencils, pens and paint to create different textures to their work . We will spend time finding out about, and replicating, pointillism styled Aboriginal art and learning about the French artist Georges Seurat. Design and Technology Children will design, make and evaluate a hand puppet during the second half term. They will research a range of puppets, then use CAD to design their own. Once happy with their design, they will make a paper template which will be used to create their puppet. Children will then use a running stitch to attach their pieces of material together.

Geography The children will compare and contrast similarities and differences between the UK (local area) and Australia (a non-European country) which will begin to develop their global geographical knowledge. They will explore human and physical features of the landscape of Australia and key landmarks using photographs. They will look at the contrasting climates of the world, understanding the key vocabulary of North Pole, South Pole, Equator, Hot climate, and Cold climate. We will look at how Australia is made up of states and how each state has its own capital. History Through our topic, children will have the opportunity to explore the history of Australian culture through artefacts, art and dance, looking at its significance to people today. Children will develop their ability to generate historical enquiry based questions e.g. Why do they decorate their bodies in this way and we don’t? We will also discuss the significance of Australia Day in the past and present and the significance of the different parts of the Australian and Aboriginal flags will be explored. Children will further develop their chronological understanding through studies of significant international individuals (Amy Johnson, Ibn Battuta, Ferdinand Magellan).

Life skills, soft skills and bucket list experiences

Life Skills Map reading

Computer skills Internet Safety Sewing Problem solving

Bucket List Make a puppet Learn to play an instrument- glockenspiel Design and make an Easter basket

PE Children will develop their hand and feet control through Games and Multi-Skills. They will know how to start and stop a ball, send and receive equipment in different ways i.e. a ball under arm, rolled, bounced, bean bags to get an appropriate speed. The Dance unit is linked to the curricular theme and the cultural Aboriginal dances. Children will design and create their own sequence in the style of the extracts seen.

Soft Skills Decision making Communication Accepting responsibility Teamwork Creativity

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