Spring term 2023 Curriculum Information leaflets

Music The learning for music this term is focused around songs with a diversity element. The children will explore Reggae music with a particular focus on Bob Marley. As well as learning songs, they will be playing, improvising and composing, listening and appraising music from different cultures. From the previous unit, the children will use their experience of the recorders to play alongside the music as well as the introduction of glockenspiels this term. French This term, the children will be building and expanding on previously taught language skills from last term, having a basic awareness of sentence structure in French . Throughout the unit taught (En Classe: In the Classroom), the children will be given the opportunities for speaking, listening, recall and writing short phrases and sentences more independently. They will also begin to use a glossary to support their learning.

The Federation of Abbey Infant & Junior School Curriculum Map for Year 3. 2022-23 - Spring term For specific class information see https://abbey-federation.secure- primarysite.net/topic/class-pages For dates see https://abbey-federation.secure-primarysite.net/diary Email: y3@abbey-jun.sandwell.sch.uk

Computing The children will be using 2Code on Purple Mash to program a series of commands to make different icons move. We will be using a sequence of programs, working with variables and various forms of inputs and outputs. They will have the opportunity to design and write programs, solve problems by breaking them into smaller groups and use logical reasoning. As a final outcome, the children will be using all of the skills to create a Superhero cartoon that will move through given commands. Art & Design The children start the unit with a visit from Mr Marshall, a caricaturist in order to start their Pop Art topic. They will compare Roy Lichtenstein to Andy Warhol and work in their style to create an individual piece. The colour wheel is used to explore tertiary colours building on their knowledge of primary and secondary colours. Linking art to our Stone Age topic, children will use their skills to recreate a cave painting after analysing existing cave paintings. They will be also experimenting with pigments from natural herbs and spices by making coloured paints. Science In Science, the children will be exploring forces; push, pull or twist and determine which is needed to make objects move. We will also be focusing on magnetism, and investigating materials and their properties. The children will be creating their own magnetic maze. In Spring 2, we will be studying different rocks, and investigating their properties by sorting and classifying them. The children will be testing the permeability and hardness of rocks and carry out some soil investigations. The children will be developing their sentence types by including fronted adverbial phrases, adverbs, similes and conjunctions. Weekly spelling tests, spelling patterns and alternatives spellings taken from the National Curriculum will be focused on. Please help your child to practise each week using Spelling Frame as an aid. English This term we will be continuing to develop our ‘Talk4Writing’, covering genres such as narratives, non- chronological reports, instructional writing and advertisements. We will be using our topic of Superheroes and The Stone Age to inspire both fiction and non-fiction writing.

Our topics are Superheroes (Spring 1) and The Stone Age (Spring 2).

Our Spring 1 topic is Superheroes. Here, the children will explore a range of diverse “ real-life superheroes” and the impact that these people have had on the wider community. They will be creating a piece of Pop Art inspired work, make a dance sequence to a piece music consisting of the basic elements (shape, form, space, time and energy) and build on existing sewing skills learnt in KS1. During Spring 2, the children will learn about an ancient civilisation; The Stone Age. They will be finding out how Stone Age people lived, what they ate, what they wore and how they developed tools. The children will be visiting ‘ Outback 2 Basics ’ for an educational visit to experience a day in the life of a Stone Age person.


Soft skills:

Respecting everyone, showing tolerance towards other cultures, listening to others, problem

solving and working together collaboratively as a team. Life Skills: Sewing, survival skills and mapping skills. Bucket List: Outback 2 Basics educational visit and “ Sensible Pencil ” workshop.

PE The curricular links of Dance this half term are to the theme of superheroes. The dance will include movement to music of themed words e.g. zoom, swoop, dash, stealth along with body posture related to characteristics e.g. strong, brave along with antonyms for villains. As a final outcome we will be creating a class dance incorporating the movements developed over the half term. In Spring 2, the children will be developing their hand eye co-ordination, agility, throwing and catching skills using a competitive element in Dodgeball. We will be focussing on agility to change direction to exploit space and avoid the ball and co-ordination to throw accurately towards a target. The children will continue to develop their understanding of multiplication and division through the written column method to multiply a 2-digit number by a 1-digit number. We then move onto money where the children will learn to convert pounds to pence and add or subtract amounts. We will finish the term by using and applying mathematical skills in statistics such as bar charts and pictograms.

Religious Education This term, we will explore what it means to be a good citizen in our community and find out about the values of different religions. There is a focus on Sikhism and Islam and exploring some of the core morals of these two religions by comparing and contrasting their beliefs and values. History In the first half term, the children will explore the lives of significant individuals both present and past, who have contributed to national and international achievements. They will be comparing aspects of their lives in different periods. The second half term focusses on the culture and civilisation of the Stone Age, where the children will explore settlements and housing, culture and artwork. They will also learn about the key historical events of the Stone Age as well as developing their understanding of the terms BC, AD and prehistoric. The children will have the opportunity to handle artefacts and experience an immersive day with a Stone Age visitor.

Design Technology Year 3 will be learning how to use a range of stitching techniques to hem a cape and attach fabrics onto the cape. This links in with their Superhero topic and crosses over with what is being learnt in Art. The children will explain the strengths and weaknesses of different materials which will aid them in choosing the correct materials for the final design. They will then evaluate their work against their own design criteria. map of a superhero planet, plotting locations and features developing their understanding of OS symbols. They will use OS maps and 4-figure grid references to locate heroes in the local area and plotting routes. Children will be taught the differences between physical and human geography of the U.K and give justifications for their understanding. In their study of the Stone Age, children study different types of settlements and the way in which the land is used. Geography Children will develop their map making skills drawing a

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