Spring term 2023 Curriculum Information leaflets

The Federation of Abbey Infant & Junior School Curriculum Map for Year 4. 2022-23- Spring term For specific class information see https://abbey-federation.secure-primarysite.net/topic/class- pages For dates see https://abbey-federation.secure-primarysite.net/diary Email:y4@abbey-jun.sandwell.sch.uk

Religious Education What do Christians Learn from the Bible’s creation stories? Children will explore the Creation story, and discuss and compare things they are proud of. They will explore what being a Christian means and will offer their thoughts and ideas. Children will also discuss the meaning of temptation and forgiveness. Why do Christians call the day Jesus died ‘Good Friday’? Children will learn about the Easter Story and why it is important to Christians and how this links to Easter eggs. the effectiveness of their choices. They will also consider what online content can be trusted. After half term we will look at using computers for data collection. We will be collecting data over time, and introduce the idea of collecting data automatically using computers. Computing During the first half of this term, we will be learning how to use digital image editing tools. The children will develop their understanding of how digital images can be changed and edited, and how they can then be resaved and reused. They will consider the impact that editing images can have, and evaluate Science Children will develop their knowledge of states of materials and will be confidently able to identify solids, liquids and gases as well as their properties through a range of investigations and fair testing. The children learn about how electricity is produced and the different components that make up a simple circuit. The children move on to investigating conductors and insulators within a simple circuit. Some children begin to draw simple circuits using some symbols. English This term we will continue to use Talk4Writing to expand the children's knowledge of text and sentence types. The genres that we will be focusing on are narrative fiction, diary and a balanced argument. There will be an emphasis on developing creative, independent and increasingly sophisticated writing along with the use of a wide range of punctuation marks and vocabulary. We will continue to develop a cursive handwriting style. In particular the children will develop their use of conjunctions, apostrophes for possession and contraction, expanded noun phrases and fronted adverbial clauses.


This term the children will develop their multiplication and division strategies, multiplying 2 and 3 digit numbers by a single digit number, dividing with a remainder and problem solving. We will also be looking at decimals including tenths, hundredths and dividing by ten and a hundred. Other topics will include measure of area and fractions. Throughout all the work the children will develop their fluency and reasoning skills.

Our topic is Imaginary Worlds

Through this topic we will be linking our Geography, History, Art, Design and Technology and English work. We will explore imaginary world created by famous authors and film-makers and the go on to write about and create our own imaginary worlds through diaries, encyclopaedia entries about imaginary animals and beasts and quest stories set in imaginary lands. We will discover the history of map making and how the map of the world changed with the discovery of the ‘new world’ . The children will explore artists and authors of the sci-fi genre, discuss if their ideas came true and create artwork in their style. In DT children will be creating an electrical buzzer game to link with their science work on electrical circuits. Children will also be exploring the locality of Warley Woods, completing walks and planning their routes as well as creating scale maps of their imaginary worlds and looking back through time – imagining what the woods looked like at different points in the past. Life skills developed: Being able to follow a map in a known location safely and plan a route. Children will be able to use woodwork tools safely and accurately. Bucket list opportunities: Slumber party, making slime, going to the woods. Soft skills: Able to explain personal opinions and thoughts.


Children will be able to present orally and confidently about the weather and the months of the year. Children will readily write sentences with vocabulary learnt that is easily recognisable, independently. They will be able to introduce themselves in French and write short passages about themselves.

History Children will develop their understanding of chronological order through a study of cartography and their understanding of people’s pe rceptions of the wider world and how this has changed over time and how people’s perceptions of the world would be dependent upon their location. Through following the Warley wood history trail the children will compare how land use has changed within living memory and beyond.

Geography The children will be developing their understanding of maps by studying the art of Cartography. The children look at how land use has changed over time through a local history study. They further develop their understanding of OS maps creating their own map of the immediate local area using the principles of OS mapping. The children generate their own routes to follow developing their understanding of navigation. Children begin to develop their knowledge of scaling by creating their own map of areas to a set scale.

PE All children will continue to participate in swimming lessons at Thimblemill Baths, with an emphasis on working towards swimming independently for 25 meters and on developing life preservation skills. For classes doing PE this term, they will play Football – working on agility, balance and co-ordination and will be required to change direction with the ball and evade an opponent and dribble. There will also be a gymnastics until focusing on a variety of rolls and how these can be combined into a routine. Art & Design ‘ War of the Worlds ’ is focused on when creating a movie poster using charcoal in the style of Alvim Correa. This is the first time the children use charcoal. Continuing with the same theme, a mixed media piece is produced using oil pastel, water colours and liquid tape pen. Oil pastels have been used in all previous years and the children are now starting to use them with greater control. In art this term, we will be looking at sculptures and models. We will look at the work of Jordu Schell and developing our skills to create our own sculptures.


Our unit this term focuses on Grime and lyric writing. The children are given the opportunity to work together and produce some of their own lyrics through composition, to fit with an existing song. (whole class, small groups, individual). The children are given the chance to perform these compositions. Children will also look at Gospel music and how is it made up. They will appraise and listen to examples and will be provided with opportunities to play (following sheet music) using the glockenspiel.

Design Technology

The children will begin to look at electricity in their science lessons which will include making a simple electrical circuit where the light bulb comes on. In DT children will be creating an electrical buzzer game to link with their science work on electrical circuits. They will also design, measure, cut and assemble the parts for their game.

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