Spring term 2023 Curriculum Information leaflets

The Federation of Abbey Infant & Junior School Curriculum Map for Year 6 2021-2022 - Spring term For specific class information see https://abbey-federation.secure- primarysite.net/topic/class-pages For dates see https://abbey-federation.secure-primarysite.net/diary Email:y6@abbey-jun.sandwell.sch.uk

Computing The children will be introduced to creating websites for a chosen audience and purpose. Throughout the unit, the children will be able to identify what makes a good web page and use this information to design and evaluate their own website using Google Sites. Throughout the process, we will be paying specific attention to copyright, fair use of media, the aesthetics of the site, and navigation paths. This unit will give the children the opportunity to develop their knowledge of using the internet safely, respectfully, and responsibly as well as being able to recognise acceptable and unacceptable behaviour. Religious Education We will be asking the questions ‘ Why do Hindus try to be good? ’ and ‘What kind of King was Jesus?’’ Thi s work will link back to previous studies: how different faiths are very similar, in their core beliefs; in their use of religious buildings; how they work in charitable ways to help not only their community, but other communities and groups that may be in need. Throughout both units we will be comparing both similarities and differences across different religions. Science We will begin with a recap on light and sound. First, we will investigate how we use light to see things and how the position of a light source affects the shadow of an object. We will then explore the factors that can affect the pitch and volume of a sound. Our next topic is called: ‘Everything Changes.’ In this unit the children will study inheritance, cross-breeding of animals and natural selection. Following this, we will begin our exploration of extinction, fossils and how living things adapt and evolve over time in order to survive. We will continue this topic in the Summer Term. English For the first unit this term, we will be immersing ourselves in a range of biographies before writing our own biography based around an influential figure in today’s world. During this unit, we will be focusing on using formal language, passive voice and more complex sentences. We will continue to use and develop formal language and passive voice when writing our newspaper reports later on in the Spring term. Year 6 will also be building upon their persuasive writing techniques and as a result of this unit we intend to write our very own Abbey Junior prospectus. Throughout all units, we will incorporate various SPaG activities as well as SAT style questions. Reading comprehension and guided reading sessions will continue weekly.

Music This term, the children will build on their listening and appraising skills as well as playing from memory with some accuracy, fluency, control and expression. The children will also explore and incorporate the musical elements of pitch, duration, dynamics, tempo, timbre and rhythm into their performances and will explore how these elements can be organised and used expressively within simple percussion when composing. Each lesson the children will be learning musical vocabulary to apply within their lessons. Geography Opportunities for the children to apply and develop their geographical knowledge and skills further will be provided through our topic work this term. They will focus on new knowledge of shipping routes and trade routes across the globe by plotting Francis Drake’s route around the world, investigating the time zones he travelled through as well as studying parts of the Americas, where slavery was prevalent. Further work will be completed on the position of the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn, using longitude and latitude, reading 6 figure grid references including map work related to the colonisation of the British Empire. MFL – French The children will continue to develop their confidence and accuracy when reading and speaking aloud, ensuring that they can be understood by others. They will learn a variety of foods and drinks and discuss how we can live a healthy lifestyle in French. Sentence structure will continue to be developed with the children using language knowledge and cognates to write and speak a short paragraph in French about a topic with increasing accuracy. Mathematics To start, the children will build on their understanding of decimals and fractions and apply learning about multiplication and division methods when working with decimals. We will then move on to percentages, where we will learn a range of strategies to find percentages of amounts and apply these strategies to convert between percentages, decimals and fractions. The children will then use this knowledge to support their algebra unit where they will solve real-life problems, use formulae and express missing numbers algebraically. Continuing with converting, the children will move on to metric and imperial measures, using reasoning to decide whether to divide or multiply. Following on from this, we will look at perimeter, area and volume then ending with ratio and proportion.

Our topic is ‘ The Age of Discovery ’ Year 6 will journey around the world with early explorers such as Marco Polo, Ibn Battuta and Sir Francis Drake, comparing and contrasting their journeys and how their explorations impacted the world. As well as this, we will compare and contrast the achievements of historical and modern-day women explorers. We will discuss conflicting historical accounts and discuss influences on British society at that time. Year 6 will develop their geographical skills by plotting the routes of historical explorers using the lines of longitude and latitude to help. The question 'Explorers or exploiters?' will be posed to Year 6 which will require the children to debate the positive and negative outcomes of historical exploration. We will discuss his involvement in The Transatlantic Slave Trade, investigate how the slave trade developed and look at the roles of enslaved Africans on plantations in the Americas. This will link with developing pupils’ knowledge of how the British Empire was formed and how widely it spread. The children will continue to look at the abolition of slavery and significant people during this movement. Life skills- The children will have the opportunity to learn how to administer basic First Aid and what to do in the event of an emergency, in school and at home. Soft skills- Throughout the term we will continue to embed all of our Soft skills but with a particular focus on creativity and problem solving. This will be evidenced within our maths, DT and computing lessons. We will also be developing our word processing skills and how to effectively computers.

History In History, we will begin by comparing and contrasting a diverse range of explorers from around the world and look at what impact they had on the world as well as British society at that time. We will discuss and analyse conflicting historical accounts, particularly about Sir Francis Drake and debate whether he was considered a hero or a villain in different parts of the world. We will continue to learn about the slave trade, the abolition of slavery and influential figures during the movement. Art & Design This half term we will be focusing on the work of Georgia O’Keefe. We will begin our unit by researching O’Keefe and understanding the impact she had on society at that time. Following on from our research we will discuss and annotate examples of her work using artistic vocabulary before re-creating these examples in a variety of media (soft pastels, oil pastels and water colours). Using iPads, we will then take close up images of plant life to help create our own work in the style of Georgia O’Keefe.

Design Technology Throughout this unit, the children will be using Crumble Kits to experiment using a computer program to control products including light and sound. Once they have ‘tinkered’ with the equipment they will begin their design process, testing at various stages and adjusting fix any errors. They will design and make their own product which will meet a design specification and include a computer aided element. PE This term, we will be playing Badminton, further developing the racket skills learned during the tennis unit from Y5. Children will develop the skills to play a variety of shots and be encouraged to make conscious choices of shot to win games. We will continue to emphasise the Head (conscious choice), Heart (values and fitness), Hands (getting it right) approach to PE. Following on from this the children will be learning some of the basic moves of Capoeira, which is a martial art style dance linked to our topic.

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