Exercise Essentials Try these exercises to keep you healthy and moving...
About Us OrthoBethesda Therapy Services is the rehabilitation department for the OrthoBethesda surgical practice. We have 2 clinics in the Camalier Building. Our orthopedic physical therapy clinic is located on the 3rd floor. Our highly trained staff consists of 18 physical therapists and 2 physical therapy assistants. All of our clinicians treat general orthopedic conditions and have a variety of subspecialties. Our hand therapy department is located on the 5th floor. We have 4 clinicians who specialize in the rehabilitation of hand injuries. We have 2 physical therapists and 2 occupational therapists, all of whom have advanced training of complex injuries of the wrist and hand. Historically, our therapists have treated patients who were under the care of OrthoBethesda physicians. As part of our mission to better serve the community, we have expanded our staff and facility to provide world class therapy services to patients under the care of outside physicians. We consistently strive to provide the highest level of rehabilitation for all our patients. Our goal is to always have 100% patient satisfaction. Our infrastructure is built around this goal. We have spent years developing a model of therapy to assure that our patients can achieve their full potential. Having a staff with diverse clinical backgrounds has given us the opportunity to create a unique therapy experience. Our clinic has been able to deliver the customized care that is commonly found in smaller clinics while being able to deliver the specialization that can only be found in larger clinics. We look forward to sharing more information with you about our expert physical therapists in our monthly newsletter.
SUPPORTED BRIDGE Lie on your back with knees bent and feet hip distance apart. Place your feet close enough so they can be touched by your finger tips. Inhale and while lifting the hips, place a block or rolled towel under the sacrum. Keep the chest open, breathe deeply, and relax. Hold for 30 seconds, then remove the block and slowly set yourself down to the floor.
Strengthens Your Core
STEP DOWN Stand on a level step or an aerobic platform. Slowly lower one foot toward the ground, while keeping your hips level. To accomplish this, you will have to bend the leg supporting you slightly as you move. Continue the motion and step completely down and then off the step with both legs. Return to starting position and repeat 10 times on each leg.
Exercises copyright of
Strengthens Your Legs
Always consult your physical therapist or physician before starting exercises you are unsure of doing.
DRY NEEDLING OthoBethesda Physical Therapy has 7 physical therapists who are registered with the Maryland Board of Physical Therapy Examiners to perform dry needling. All of these clinicians have extensive training and experience with this intervention. Please see our website at orthobethesda.com to learn more about dry needling and see if it may be appropriate for you.
The Key to Orthopedic Health
Physical therapists are often asked about the “best” treatment for particular conditions. Proper treatment and management of most orthopedic conditions is often multifactorial and rarely has one “best” treatment. There is, however, one common theme related to most orthopedic issues. Proper posture is critical to overall orthopedic health and wellness. It is important to learn proper sitting techniques and proper alignment when upright. Your therapist at OrthoBethesda will help you with this.
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