Senior Project Manager (Estates Infrastructure)

Strategic Plan 2030

• Collections

and physical infrastructure meet and exceed the Univer- sity’s pedagogical and research requirements.

We will celebrate the value of our unique and distinct collections by developing and investing in discovery and preservation services that will deliver items openly for use and reuse where ever possible.

• Open

We will create a sector-leading and sustainable open infrastructure for research and education that will sup- port our community in their cultural transition to Open Practice. • Equitable Our decision-making processes will be underpinned by our commitment to providing equitable access to our spaces and collections. We will ensure that our working processes are focussed on maximising inclusion and through the decolonisation of our collections and associ- ated practices, we will challenge our preconceived ideas and develop our understanding of structural inequality.

• Service model

We will co-create an entrepreneurial service delivery model with students for our new Library Pavilion. The aim of which will be to offer users greater control over their new learning spaces alongside creating employment op- portunities for our students to develop and work.

• Infrastructure

We will fully engage with our community, staff and stu- dents to ensure investments in our supporting technical

Founded in 1961, the University of Sussex Library is an important research library in the UK with exceptional services and internationally significant collections. Today the Library is far more than a building and a collection of printed materials. It plays a central role in the creation, publication, application and preservation of knowledge and research at our thriving University. As a crucial partner in the University’s learning and re- search agendas, the Library constantly seeks ways to be as closely connected as possible to the changing nature of the work of Schools to contribute fully to the enrich- ment of the lives of their students and the advancement of their research. The Library is now entering a period of transformation, seeking to address changes to the educational and re- search landscape and embrace the opportunities offered by the accelerating digital shift. We continue in our tran- sition to digital for our services and collections, ensuring our staff and users have the skills to work with the prolif- eration of tools and techniques which are revolutionising libraries as well as monitoring the shift to ensure that the creation of new digital collections are equitable, accessi- ble and environmentally sustainable.

The iconic main building remains a great resource and stunning representation of the library, though today, its digital presence and exceptional services are equally key to demonstrating its value for the University and its community. It is this digital shift and service-centred ap- proach which will underpin the delivery of every part of this new Strategic Plan and through its implementation the Library will continue to confidently fulfil its role for new times and new generations.

What we will do:

• Space and identity

We will embark on an ambitious Libraries Programme, co-designed with our users, to provide the services and a choice of spaces to inspire and showcase innovative learning and research practices. The Main Library will be refurbished in parallel with the design and construction of a Library Pavilion as part of the University’s West Slope development. The two buildings will complement each other to provide the services and spaces required for mid-21st century learning.

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