May-June 2024

California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) Undersecretary Christy Birdsong spoke to attendees about CDFA’s role in engaging with sister agencies to tackle some of the toughest issues impacting agriculture. While CDFA does not have direct jurisdiction over many of the labor or environmental regulations impacting farmers, the Department often engages in the early stages of rulemaking to voice opportunities and challenges ahead of the rulemaking process. Undersecretary Birdsong highlighted the Department’s early and active engagement on SB 54, a recently passed packaging law, and their planned activities

to convene stakeholders so that agriculture can keep packaging needed for food safety purposes. SB 54 was signed into law in 2022 and Ag Council and Blue Diamond Growers were both heavily engaged in its development. Overall, Ag Council members visited nearly 30 offices and held a reception in downtown Sacramento attended by legislators and regulatory officials, including CDFA Secretary, Karen Ross. The conference is held annually in May, and we thank Blue Diamond — both growers and staff — for their participation.

Ag Council Recognizes Majority Leader Aguiar-Curry with Influential Legislator Award

Agricultural Council of California (Ag Council) presented its Influential Legislator Award to Majority Leader Cecelia Aguiar-Curry (D-Winters) during the organization’s 2024 Legislative Conference in May. The award is given on an annual basis to legislators who embody an active and collaborative approach to finding positive outcomes for agriculture and all of California. Ag Council President, Emily Rooney said, “Majority Leader Aguiar-Curry works strategically with others in the Legislature to achieve critical results for our members and is a staunch ally of agriculture on a wide variety of policy issues. When considering policies, she asks, ‘What do my ag people think about this issue ? ’ She has worked to ensure funding is available for ag programs to reduce emissions and meet climate goals. She also helped secure a grant program for farmers and ag-related businesses affected by recent flood or drought events.”

As majority leader, Aguiar-Curry works in close communication with the Assembly speaker to build agreement across the Democrat Caucus and expedite Assembly proceedings. She also serves as vice chair of the Legislative Women’s Caucus. She is a member of the Assembly Committee on Agriculture, the Committee on Health, the Committee on Transportation, and is chair of the Select Committee on Wine. Aguiar-Curry was elected to the Assembly in 2016 to represent the 4 th District comprising all of Napa, Lake, Yolo, Colusa and Solano Counties and part of Sonoma County. Previously, she served as mayor of Winters and was an elected city councilmember. Her leadership is commendable, and Ag Council thanks her for being a steadfast advocate for our members. Congratulations to Majority

Emily Rooney, President, Ag Council with Aguiar-Curry

Leader Aguiar-Curry for being named Ag Council’s Influential Legislator of the Year.

Emily Rooney, President, Ag Council of California



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