May-June 2024


A Letter from Steve Van Duyn, Blue Diamond ’s Chairman of the Board It’s been nearly a year since Blue Diamond launched its new strategic growth plan and I’m pleased to see the progress we’ve made. I am sure you’ve enjoyed hearing about the consistent wins the team is working so hard to achieve. The plan focuses on reinforcing our core business, expanding into new markets and innovative product lines, and of course optimizing costs where we can. It’s encouraging to see that, even in these difficult market conditions, we’re making strides in expanding our business and finding new customers both domestically and internationally. While Kai shared in April’s webinar that Blue Diamond is advancing with a heavy foot on the gas pedal, let’s all remember that even though we’ve been gaining some excellent ground with these wins, we won’t truly reap the benefits until next year and beyond. Much like the work we do in our almond orchards, the trees we plant and tend to today become fruit harvested the following season. The world will always need almonds, and we all know the best almonds come from Blue Diamond . Thank you for working so hard day in and day out to ensure your almonds are the highest quality the world has come to know and expect from Blue Diamond . I am proud to call you my colleagues and friends. You truly make a difference. These are tough times for sure, but as a 114-year-old cooperative, we know how to manage the rough with the smooth. With your continued dedication, we will blaze forward and bring more of our almonds to families across the world. I am confident in the leadership team and the plan in place. Good times are coming again, and I want to enjoy those with you just as much as I’ve been honored to link arms and walk through the tough times together. We’re stronger when we stand together. Thank you for your continued commitment to Blue Diamond and to a successful future for all of us.

Steve Van Duyn Chairman of the Board

Steve Van Duyn Chairman of the Board



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