Armstrong Law - June 2024

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Serious Injuries. Strong Lawyer. 214-932-1288 | ARMSTRONGLAWYER.COM | JUNE 2024

How Will I Afford My Hospital Bills After an Accident? LOST WAGES AND LEGAL BATTLES

Can I be fired for suing my employer after a work accident? Many clients are worried about the repercussions of filing a claim against their employer for an injury they incurred on the job. In Texas, your employer can’t fire you for that. They are prohibited from retaliation if you made a claim for worker’s compensation in good faith, consulted with a lawyer to represent you, or filed a claim. There are a few situations where an employer may have some ability to terminate you if you were hurt on the job. For example, termination could be lawful if you are offered light-duty work or accommodations and refuse it. Any time you experience a form of retaliation after you are injured on the job, you should document it and speak with a lawyer. It’s essential to keep safety at the forefront of your mind at work, on the road, and at home. But accidents happen, sometimes at no fault of your own. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or concerns about personal injury law. Your safety

“How am I going to afford my hospital bills? Will I get fired if I pursue an injury claim against my employer? What do I do now?” As a personal injury lawyer, I hear these questions almost daily from clients going through the motions of an injury claim. When you’re dealing with the fallout of a car crash or workplace accident, there are a lot of unknowns and an extensive to-do list ahead of you. June is National Safety Month, and it reminds me of the countless stories my clients have shared about their journeys through recovery and all the complexities they face along the way. This month, I aim to emphasize the significance of safety and address some frequently asked questions about accidents and rightful compensation. How will I pay my medical bills? Paying for needed medical care after an accident is a significant concern for anyone trying to heal and return to their everyday life. To start, I recommend you seek medical attention even in minor accidents because you might have injuries you don’t notice immediately. Treating injuries right away will help decrease the long-term effects of your injuries and maybe even add additional bills down the line. It’s important to note that your personal injury lawyer will not cover your medical expenses while your case is pending. You are responsible for those. They will keep track of all your bills, which will be included as damages in your case later.

In Texas, you must prove a driver is at fault for an accident to receive damages, which is often contested. The at-fault driver could take time to pay for your losses. Look to your insurance coverage as you heal and are on the hook for these costs. Your insurer should pay those costs as usual after an accident. You can talk to your provider about adding additional personal injury coverage. In workplace accidents, if your employer has workers’ compensation insurance, then your employer and this insurance will cover your medical expenses and treatment. Who will pay for my lost wages? Texas law allows you to recoup lost wages if you missed work due to an accident or on-the-job injury. Along with the income you’ve already lost, you may be able to include future income you cannot collect. Even if you are a part-time employee, as long as you can document your financial losses, you can make a full recovery. People are often unaware of the income they can include outside basic pay, like a loss of commissions on sales, a loss of pension benefits, or bonuses you were on track to receive before being injured. You may even be able to claim sick leave or vacation pay you had to use while recovering. I always suggest working with a lawyer to get the highest amount possible because we understand all the potential losses you could recover.

and well-being are paramount, and I’m here to help you every step of the way. –Warren Armstrong



2024 Consumer Electronics Show (CES), Samsung showed off its bright and vivid microLED display next to LG’s transparent television and other transparent models on the market. What you see is a stark difference in brightness and a fully transparent, frameless design. However, Samsung’s transparent television is not yet on the market; LG’s OLED TVs will be released this year. A Leap Toward Multifunctional Spaces Gone are the days of the TV as a room’s focal point. Instead, these devices offer flexibility, serving as windows to digital content and the physical world behind them. A blend of form and function elevates the user experience. The potential of transparent televisions extends beyond the home. Retailers, restaurateurs, and bar owners can leverage these devices to create engaging displays and atmospheres without sacrificing space. This technology can turn any commercial setting into a dynamic visual experience. The Future of Television As LG and Samsung lead the charge into this new era of home entertainment, it’s evident that the future of television is not just about screen resolution or size but how these devices can better integrate into our living spaces. The question is no longer whether technology can blend into our homes but how we can reimagine our spaces around these transformative devices. The future is here, and it’s transparent!

INTRODUCING TRANSPARENT TVS The Next Leap in Interior Design and Home Entertainment

Innovation meets design as LG and Samsung unveil their latest home entertainment marvel: transparent televisions. This revolutionary technology will transform living spaces, merging sleek design with cutting-edge functionality. LG’s Visionary Approach LG’s pioneering model presents a 77-inch OLED display that masterfully transitions from a transparent pane of glass to a vivid, full-color screen. This innovation is perfect for those with a modern minimalist aesthetic, as it allows the TV to blend effortlessly into any environment. It’s an ideal solution for maintaining spacious rooms without compromising on tech needs. Samsung Steps Up Samsung’s contender not only matches LG’s transparent display technology but raises the stakes with crisp image quality. At the



Good Reputation Check reviews and testimonials. You want to find a lawyer with a good reputation and a high success rate. Ask friends and family if they have had a positive outcome with a personal injury lawyer in your area. By gathering referrals and testimonials, you can get a list of quality lawyers to contact and find the best fit. Find someone with excellent reviews and a history of successfully negotiating settlements and litigating injury cases. Clear Communication The right lawyer should simplify legal jargon and practice open communication skills. You need someone on your side who can answer all your questions, make you feel at ease, and communicate with other parties respectfully. Your lawyer should provide you with an open line of access by being available on the phone, by email, or in person.

No Win, No Fee Look for no-win, no-fee pay structures when seeking a personal injury lawyer. Under this arrangement, the client does not pay an upfront fee. Instead, the lawyer’s fee is calculated as a percentage of the amount recovered when a case is successful. It’s common for this percentage to be anywhere from 25% to 40%, so look for someone working within that range. Above all, when you search for the right personal injury lawyer, you want to find someone you are comfortable with. Remember to seek our experience, communication skills, and good reputation. At Armstrong Law, we believe in walking with you through every step of the process so you never feel like you’re alone in this. Call us today for a free evaluation.

When you have been in a severe accident, everything changes. From medical treatments to dealing with lost income, it can be confusing and overwhelming. Finding the right personal injury lawyer can feel just as daunting as coping with an injury’s stress and aftermath. The ideal legal representative will prioritize your best interests, advocate on your behalf, listen to your concerns, and assist you in navigating through this difficult time. Here’s what to look for when seeking the best legal representation for your case. Experience Counts Choose someone with a proven track record. Lawyers specialize in specific areas of the law, so you must find someone with experience handling cases like yours. This person will understand all the laws that apply to your situation and have the resources to help build your strongest case.




the road. Truckers face distractions like other drivers and work-related tasks, like onboard computers and paperwork. Driving while under the influence also endangers others on the road. Improperly Loaded Cargo: Commercial trucks carrying a lot of cargo can become unbalanced. Trucks can flip if severely unbalanced, and cargo falling off a truck can create hazards for other drivers. Mechanical Failures: Trucking companies must regularly monitor maintenance and repairs. Any mechanical failure, such as worn brakes or defective tires, can cause a crash.

Truck accidents are often more complex than crashes involving passenger vehicles because they include factors like federal regulations and substantial damages. So, it’s crucial to speak to a personal injury lawyer in the event of a truck accident. We have covered many commercial trucking accident claims over the years and have found they are often some of the most tragic and bitterly fought court cases because victims can face a lifetime of pain, suffering, and disfigurement. To win a case, we must prove negligence or carelessness to obtain damages like pain and suffering, lost income, and medical bills. If you or a loved one was involved in a semi- truck accident, it’s critical to start the legal process as soon as possible. Evidence like the truck driver’s logbook or video footage can make all the difference in a case. Stay Strong, and contact Armstrong Law to get back on the road to recovery.

With its vast network of interstates, highways, and commercial industries, Texas sees many trucks every year. The state also has one of the highest rates of fatal truck accidents in the country. According to data from the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, about 20,507 truck accidents happened in Texas last year. Of those, 633 were fatal. Semi-truck accidents can occur for many reasons, but the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety and the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles have found some common causes.

Due to the size of 18-wheelers and large tractor-trailers, accidents with trucks in Texas can result in severe and fatal injuries. Some of the most common include neck injuries, spinal cord damage, traumatic brain injuries, internal bleeding, and sometimes burns. These types of accidents can also result in mental health concerns like post-traumatic stress disorder.

Speeding: Trucks require longer stopping distances than traditional passenger vehicles, so excessive speed can quickly increase the risks of an accident. Distracted Driving: As with any vehicle, you must remain aware and focus on

Armstrong Law specializes in workplace accident cases for employees of businesses in Texas that do not have workers’ comp insurance. We understand the nuances of these cases and have the resources to take on large “nonsubscriber” employers. To refer an injury case involving a nonsubscriber employer to our practice, call us at 214-932-1288 . WE VALUE YOUR REFERRALS

Sheet Pan Shrimp Fajitas


2 lbs shrimp, peeled and deveined 2 bell peppers, sliced

Salt and pepper, to taste

• • • • • • •


1 onion, sliced 3 tbsp olive oil

Topping Options •

2 tsp chili powder

Sliced avocado

2 tsp cumin

• • •


1 tsp smoked paprika 1 tsp garlic powder

Sour cream

Chopped cilantro

DIRECTIONS 1. Preheat oven to 400 F and line a baking sheet with parchment paper. 2. In a small bowl, combine chili powder, cumin, paprika, garlic powder, salt, and pepper. 3. Place bell pepper and onion on the baking sheet. 4. Drizzle evenly with 2 tbsp of olive oil and sprinkle with the chili powder mixture; reserve some for shrimp. Bake for 12 minutes. 5. Remove sheet pan from oven and push veggies to one side. Add shrimp to the empty side. Drizzle with 1 tbsp olive oil and spices. Return sheet pan to oven and bake for another 6 minutes, until shrimp are pink. 6. Serve on warm tortillas with desired toppings.




12720 HILLCREST RD. STE. 615 | DALLAS, TX 75230 214-932-1288 | ARMSTRONGLAWYER.COM


1 Can My Employer Fire Me for Pursuing an Injury Claim? 2 Transparent TVs — The Future of Home Entertainment Choosing a Personal Injury Lawyer Who Fights for You 3 Unpacking the State’s Crash Stats

We Value Your Referrals Sheet Pan Shrimp Fajitas 4 3 Easy Father’s Day Ideas It’s Father’s Day!


Shopping Spree Give each child $10 to pick out something for Dad, all by themselves, then take them to the nearest big-box store. Walker’s youngsters came up with a mirror,

Recently, people have been spending big on Father’s Day, and many wait until the very last minute. Last year, Americans spent a record $22.9 billion on Father’s Day, up nearly 10% from the previous year, according to an industry survey. And more than half of consumers don’t start shopping until the week before Father’s Day, while 3.5% wait until the very last day before the holiday, according to another survey. The second survey also revealed that over 75% of shoppers struggle to think of good Father’s Day ideas. Most settle on outings, clothing, gift cards, personal care items, or electronics. Here are three low- budget ideas you can do with your kids that are sure to charm any dad, offered by What’s Up Moms, a top parenting site on YouTube co-founded by vlogger Elle Walker. Interview Cards If your kids are preschoolers, have them answer questions about their father and record their answers on notecards. Things like, “How old do you think Daddy is? 100? What is one thing Daddy says? What does Daddy do for work? Why do you love Daddy?” The simplicity and innocence of your children’s answers will warm Dad’s heart more than any store-bought gift ever could.

a pair of swim trunks, and crib sheets, and they clearly loved being empowered to make choices. Photos

From a Kid’s Perspective

You may be surprised at some of the angles children choose and the

tender moments they capture, “even if they’re not wow-worthy,”

Walker says. Her daughter caught a captivating shot of her husband, Ross, napping with their preschool son resting on his shoulder.


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