LC.N TCPH 2020

The Bar Standards Board

• an apprenticeship pathway: combined academic, vocational and pupillage or work-based components. Precisely what training becomes available to prospective barristers, and when, will depend on those applying to the BSB to become AETOs. You can read more about the current requirements of each component in the BSB’s Bar Qualification Manual available at: uk/qualifying-as-a-barrister/bar-training- requirements/bar-qualification-manual-index/ It is also possible to qualify as a barrister in England and Wales by transferring to the Bar from practice overseas and by transferring to the Bar as a solicitor in practice in England and Wales. You can find out how to do this at: media/1989171/draft_bqm_part_2d_-_d4_ the_bar_transfer_test__btt__15.pdf More changes to various aspects of Bar training As well as those described above, the BSB’s extensive review has resulted in changes to the following aspects of Bar training: • the way in which barristers are assessed during both the vocational and pupillage/ work-based learning components, and when they are assessed, which is set out in a new Curriculum and Assessment Strategy; • more flexible rules regarding the way in which pupil barristers are supervised during their pupillage or other form of work-based learning; • the way in which pupil barristers are assessed against the competencies and threshold standards contained within the Professional Statement for Barristers – the document which sets out the skills, knowledge and attributes that all barristers must be able to demonstrate on their first day of practice;

• the minimum funding award, which must be paid to pupils during pupillage, is now set by the BSB annually taking into account the Living Wage Foundation’s recommended hourly rate; and • a new Memorandum of Understanding with the Inns of Court which covers mandatory membership of an Inn, the administration of ‘fit and proper person’ checks and qualifying sessions. More information about these changes, their implementation dates and any transitional arrangements are available on the BSB website at: https://www.barstandardsboard.



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