LC.N TCPH 2020


Family law barristers deal with all legal matters relating to marriage, separation, divorce and cohabitation, as well as issues relating to children, including contact arrangements, care and placement orders, adoption and surrogacy. Family law also encompasses financial negotiations upon divorce, inheritance issues, pre-nuptial agreements and disputes between cohabitants. Some cases involve substantial assets and complex financial arrangements, or high-profile disputes between well-known personalities. “Think about all the things that members of a family can fall out about and multiply that – that’s your area,” explains Kelan McHugh drily when asked to describe family law. “Family law engages all areas of the legal spectrum as the facts can vary enormously. You might be dealing with complicated trust structures, or companies, often with international elements – the financial work does not always involve just a house and a car. And all the time you’re dealing with human beings at both their best and their worst.” McHugh found his way to family law after a degree in English literature and two years out – he jokes that he would have taken more if he could have afforded it, as he believes the life experience is invaluable for potential lawyers. One of those years involved working as a tennis coach. “It was only ever short term but it was good to do something completely different,” he laughs. “It gave me a year to think about what I wanted to do.” One of the key ways he did that was by applying to a wide range of different people and places for work experience – from family friends to High Court judges. Although he also did some mini-pupillages, he recommends considering experience outside traditional vacation schemes and

mini-pupillages to anyone considering a legal career: “You have to see the law in action – there’s no substitute.” It was a two-week placement arranged through a personal connection – a high-street solicitor with a busy family law practice – that was to prove pivotal to him. “This was my first time at the coalface and it was a big turning point for me,” he recalls. “There happened to be a couple of relatively juicy matters. In one, I met the client in conference with counsel and then the next day we were in the High Court; the other was a three-day hearing for a financial remedy in a divorce. Seeing the hearing conducted from beginning to end, from preparation to presentation, was truly eye opening.” This work experience not only set McHugh on the path to family law; it helped him make the all-important choice between barrister or solicitor. “I went in very open minded but in the end it came down to being on the sharp end of the law. It probably goes to the big difference between solicitors and barristers,” he muses. “The former are self-employed and very independent. It leads to you being given more responsibility from very early on.” However, he is very open about the fact that life at the Bar is not for everyone. “There is no infrastructure, it’s just you,” he warns. “No secretary, no health insurance – and it only ever gets more difficult. As you move up the ladder there are greater expectations and demands. You need to be able to deal with the hours and the pressure. But it is exciting – we see the law in action. It makes the job worthwhile.” However, add to the adrenaline rush of court advocacy the life-changing matters on which he works and you have a true pressure cooker. McHugh’s CV lists not only the usual nuts and bolts of divorce settlements, but also arrangements for children and even matters involving child abduction. These are not the kind of issues you can leave at the

For more chambers that work in this practice area, please use the “Pupillage index” starting on p519.



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