LC.N TCPH 2020


Media and entertainment barristers have clients in a variety of sectors, including theatre, film, music, publishing, broadcasting, sport and advertising. They advise and represent clients in court and before other tribunals on matters that might include defamation, privacy and confidentiality, contract disputes, advertising standards, sponsorship, intellectual property and restraint of trade. Three main factors drew Ashton Chantrielle to a life at the Bar: “First, being at the Bar is a great way to specialise in a particular field. Being a solicitor can make things a little more uncertain if you want to specialise, whereas at the Bar you specialise immediately.” Second, Ashton was attracted to the independence that comes with being a barrister. “You’re part of a chambers,” she explains, “but you’re self-employed. You work for yourself and have full responsibility over all your cases.” Finally, Ashton was enticed by the oral advocacy which comes with the role, which most solicitors don’t get the opportunity to do. Picking the right chambers After making the decision to pursue a career as a barrister, Ashton gained pupillage at 8 New Square. Although she admits that her time as a pupil was a “steep learning curve,” she mostly looks back with fondness. This may be down to Ashton’s chambers, which she cites as one of the things that she likes most about her job. “It’s actually very important that you pick a chambers that you like,” she advises. “Especially if you’re in a smaller chambers, you will see these people every day for – if you’re lucky – the rest of your career. I feel very lucky to be in the kind of environment I’m in, which means I enjoy going to work in the morning and I enjoy being there.”

as the highlight of her career so far: “You spend a lot of time working hard to become a tenant,” she explains. “You’re competing against people constantly and you have to prove to a lot of people that you have what it takes. So after a year of being on constant trial, to get tenancy is just one of the most amazing feelings.” Surviving the shift from pupil to tenant Was she intimidated by the switch from pupil to tenant? “It is daunting,” she admits. “When you’re a pupil you shadow another barrister and that is how you learn to draft documents, how to act in court, strategy, how to run a case. Your work is always checked. When you become tenant it changes quite dramatically because all of a sudden you’re on your own – you have to take ownership and responsibility for your cases and try not to mess up!” That said, Ashton says there are two things that get you through. The first is knowing that someone believes in you, which means that you have to believe in yourself. “They think that you can do it and they have all the experience,” she explains. “The second thing is that you can always go and ask a question if you’re not sure. You’re never in a position where you think ‘I’m genuinely alone here’ – you always have people around who can help you if you need it and you learn pretty quickly, so the thought is more daunting than the actual experience.” Bridging different interests Since becoming a tenant, Ashton has built up an extensive client list, including several in the media and entertainment industry. Due to the overlap between the two areas of law, Ashton specialises in IP law, an interest which stemmed from her background in chemistry. “I always considered myself a scientist above everything else, but I didn’t want to be a scientist,” she reflects. “So I thought about how I could combine the

Clearly smitten with 8 New Square, Ashton describes the day she gained tenancy there

For more chambers that work in this practice area, please use the “Pupillage index” starting on p519.



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