LC.N TCPH 2020

Name: Alexander Greaves Chambers: Francis Taylor Building Location: London University: University of Manchester Undergraduate degree: History

looking at papers and advising local planning authorities on decisions they may take, advising prospective developers on potential projects or advising people either who want to object to planning permission or who have other queries about land use. From appearing at a planning inquiry to appearing at the High Court, or even in criminal court dealing with prosecutions following enforcement action – flexibility is the key thing A planning inquiry is an appeal against a decision of a local planning authority and is presided over by planning inspectors, who make decisions on behalf of the secretary of state. They can vary in length, although Alexander suggests that a rise in the number of informal hearings (which rarely involve barristers) to clear up minor disputes means there are currently fewer one-or-two day inquiries and most last between one and two weeks. These take place up and down the country, depending on where the land to which they relate happens to be. As such, Alexander often finds himself travelling long distances and staying for the duration of the inquiry, and while he very much enjoys the change of scene, he also warns that “they can quite often be in the middle of nowhere”. He also highlights the differences between inquiries and court proceedings: “It is quite different from court advocacy, in that it is common practice to sit down in these inquiries. It is procedurally more informal than a lot of courts and there is not quite such strict adherence to the rules of evidence as in other areas. The only caveat to that would perhaps be for enforcement inquiries

where, because evidence generally relates to evidence of fact, it is given under oath.”

Adapt to survive The difference between court-based planning work and the more informal

environment planning inquiries means that lawyers need to be able to adjust to different tribunals and working conditions. “Being able to adapt to different environments is key,” explains Alexander. “From appearing at a planning inquiry to appearing at the High Court, or even in criminal court dealing with prosecutions following enforcement action – flexibility is the key thing.” In addition, Alexander suggests that a general understanding of politics and government policy in the area is very useful and may well be worth cultivating for those attending a pupillage interview at a planning set. “It plays such an important role in the development and application of planning law,” he claims. “Policy is so fundamental that having an understanding of current government thinking is vital. National policy and planning practice guidance is available online; you don’t need to read through it all, but it’s good to have a general understanding of the overriding themes. Quite a lot can be gleaned from the newspapers; affordable housing in London and concerns over fracking are both things that have been in the news quite a lot recently.” “You can also sit in on planning inquiries,” he offers. “They happen in council offices up and down the country and are advertised on council websites. Documents are made available to the public either online or at the inquiry venue. It would definitely help you show an interest in planning at interview, where they are interested in why you want to go to a particular chambers, rather than why you just want to be a barrister. It helps to demonstrate that you’ve looked what that chambers does and show some understanding of the key issues around their areas of specialty.”


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