LC.N TCPH 2020

Temple, London EC4Y 7BE Tel: 020 7797 7070 Email: Web: 1 Hare Court

Pupillages funded

Areas of work 1 Hare Court was the first set of chambers to specialise in family law and we now have 13 silks and 28 juniors. The majority of chambers’ work is in the area of matrimonial finance, while some members of chambers are involved in private child law disputes. Former members of chambers include two previous presidents of the Family Division, two Lords Justice of Appeal and four High Court judges of the Family Division. Current members of chambers have acted in almost all the landmark matrimonial finance cases, including White , Miller/McFarlane , McCartney , Radmacher v Granatino , Prest , Whyatt v Vince, Sharland , Owens and Waggott . Chambers’ clients tend to be high-net worth individuals from the worlds of commerce, entertainment, finance and sport. We expect that applicants will have a strong academic record. 1 Hare Court has a long-standing tradition of contributing to legal works. Rayden on Divorce , the principal practitioners’ textbook, was renamed Rayden & Jackson as a tribute to the former head of chambers Joseph Jackson QC, who edited the work for many years. Members of chambers continue to edit Rayden & Jackson , as well as many other leading books, and we regularly contribute articles to the specialist press. Candidates who demonstrate the potential to carry on this strong intellectual tradition will impress. A pupillage at 1 Hare Court offers training in advocacy, advice and drafting in every aspect of family work, particularly matrimonial finance. Our strong reputation and the quality of training available means that those pupils who are not taken on stand a good prospect of finding a professional opportunity elsewhere, frequently in other specialist chambers or firms. Who should apply Candidates should be able to show that they have a flair for advocacy, presentational and analytical skills and the ability to develop sound judgement, as well as having a strong academic record. Given the emphasis on financial work, some aptitude and interest in commercial/ financial matters is desirable. However, chambers’ work remains rooted in human problems and a sympathetic but perceptive response to those problems is essential. When and how to apply We recruit pupils once a year. Applications for pupillages commencing in October 2021 open and close in accordance with the Pupillage Gateway timetable. Applications should be sent with a full CV and handwritten covering letter (marked pupillage application) to the chambers administrator. References may be helpful. Those invited for an interview are likely to be interviewed on a Saturday in April 2020. Chambers is not a member of Pupillage Gateway but keeps to the timetable for the communication and acceptance of offers. For more information see the chambers’ website. Mini-pupillages These are available during term time only. Applicants must be at least at undergraduate level and have some interest in family law. Applications are accepted twice a year and should be sent with a full CV and handwritten covering letter marked for the attention of Thomas Harvey. For mini-pupillages between February – July 2020, please apply between 1-31 January 2020. For mini-pupillages between October 2020 – January 2021, please apply between 1-31 July 2020. Ordinarily applications will not be considered outside of these application periods.




Tenancies in last 3 yrs




Apply by CV

Remuneration for pupillage £35,000 per pupillage plus earnings in second six

Minimum qualifications 2.1 degree

Sponsorship/funding Two fully-funded pupillages.

Remember to cite The LawCareers.Net Handbook on your application form if you apply to this chambers.



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