LC.N TCPH 2020

Lincoln’s Inn, London WC2A 3SW Tel: 020 7419 8000 Email: Web: newsqchambers New Square Chambers

Pupillages funded

Description of Chambers New Square Chambers offers a concentration of experience in chancery and commercial work and related international matters. We have 41 members, five silks and 36 juniors. Areas of work New Square Chambers undertakes a full range of commercial and chancery work including: charities; civil fraud; company law (including directors’ disqualification proceedings and shareholders’ disputes); highways and rights of way; insolvency; intellectual property; landlord and tenant; partnership law; pensions; probate, administration of estates, wills and intestacy and family provision; professional negligence; property law; revenue; trusts; settlements and taxation. A considerable amount of our work has an international element. Several members of chambers have established practices in overseas jurisdictions, including Antigua, the Bahamas, Bermuda, the British Virgin Islands, the Caymans, the Channel Islands, Gibraltar, Hong Kong and Singapore, and before the Privy Council. Our members’ international practices span the full range of chambers’ work, including trusts, land, insolvency and public law, in litigious and non-contentious contexts. The editors of Lewin on Trusts , Theobald on Wills , Shareholders’ Rights , Williams Mortimer and Sunnucks — Executors Administrators and Probate , and the Law of Freedom of Information are all members of chambers. Pupillage programme At New Square Chambers, we aim to recruit bright and enthusiastic pupils with a proven academic background. Consequently, applicants will usually have a first or good upper second degree, although this need not be in law. Despite our size we are an informal and friendly set, and encourage our pupils to take an active part in the life of chambers. Pupils undertake four seats of three months, each with a different pupil supervisor, in order to experience the full range of chambers’ work. In addition, pupils are given the opportunity to learn something of the practices of other members of chambers during their pupillage. When and how to apply Chambers offers one 12-month pupillage, terminable after six months on either side, which carries with it an award of £65,000. Chambers is not a member of the Pupillage Gateway and applications for pupillage starting in 2021 should be made on our application form which is available at The closing date is 17 January 2020. Applications should be submitted via email in accordance with chambers’ pupillage policy which may also be found on our website. Mini-pupillages A limited number of mini-pupillages are available, usually lasting for three days. Applicants must have at least completed the second year of their law degree or, if they are not yet studying law, the third year of their degree. As with pupillage applicants, we require applicants for minipupillage to be of at least a high 2.1 or first-class standard. Applications may only be made by email to between 1 August and 30 September in any given year and must be made in the manner prescribed in our mini-pupillage policy which can be found in Appendix I to the chambers’ pupillage policy (2003). Applications not made in the prescribed manner may not receive a response. Please refer to our website for further details or telephone Mr James McKean in chambers on 020 7419 8000.




Tenancies in last 3 yrs




Applications contact Mr Jeff Hardman

Remuneration for pupillage £65,000 for 12 months

Minimum qualifications 2.1 degree

Remember to cite The LawCareers.Net Handbook on your application form if you apply to this chambers.



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