LC.N TCPH 2020

White-collar crime Term referring to financial crimes, such as fraud or insider dealing, committed primarily by persons at management level.

SQE The Solicitors Qualifying Exam is due to come into force in 2021 at the earliest and will replace the GDL and LPC. It is the final assessment that all solicitors must pass in order to qualify, regardless of whether they have taken the university, equivalent means or apprenticeship routes. Square Mile London’s financial centre, as defined by London’s old medieval walls. Squatter A barrister who remains in chambers after pupillage, but not as a tenant. SRA The Solicitors Regulation Authority is the body in charge of setting and maintaining standards for solicitors. Stare decisis Latin for ‘to stand by that which is decided’. Refers to the principle of adhering to precedent when deciding a case. Subpoena An order compelling a person to appear to testify or produce documents. Tenant A barrister based in a particular set of chambers after pupillage. Tesco law Euphemistic term for both the Legal Services Act and ABSs, which allow companies (eg, supermarkets or banks) to provide legal services. See also ‘ABS’.

White-shoe firm A traditional, long-established US firm.

Work placement scheme Paid, formal work experience within a law firm, usually for one or two weeks. Also known as a ‘vacation scheme’.

Title Ownership of property.

Tort A civil wrong that results in an injury to a person or property.

Trademark A word, name or symbol used to identify products sold or services provided by a business. Training contract The two-year pre-qualification training period for a solicitor. See also ‘period of recognised training’.

Transaction A deal arranged by two sets of lawyers.

Tribunal A court or forum established to settle certain types of dispute. Trust A legal obligation with respect to property given by one person (donor) to another (trustee). Vacation scheme Paid, formal work experience within a law firm. Also known as a ‘work placement scheme’.



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