A currently popular concept, the by-product o f an “enlight ened” secular world, somehow crept into the message as our children (seated beside us) heard with growing interest and appre ciation the latter - day fallacy which in essence states: “ It’s only ‘natural’ for young people to rebel at their parents since this is merely a ‘healthy’ stage in which they test guidelines and seek to develop their individual person alities.” (Needless to say, we had scarcely cleared the church park ing lot after such a message be fore the ‘natural’ and ‘healthy testing’ by rebellion began! After all, hadn’t a most respected youth leader excused and justified such deportment?) Can you imagine such a con cept’s being propagated among the youth in past generations? Can you imagine Moses standing up before a rebellious people and in the name, power, and wisdom o f the Lord, advising parents to accept and acquiesce graciously in rebellious acts o f insubordina tion from their offspring as a normal, healthy procedure? My Bible has a great deal to say about “ rebellion” in the lives o f adults and children and it isn’t very complimentary. I’ve yet to find any excuses or apologies of fered to condone or justify its presence. On the other hand it is most unequivocally condemned in every form. “Rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubborn ness is an iniquity and idolatry” (I Samuel 15:23). This is as true in a youth as it is in a king and as true today as it ever was! In conclusion, may I bring to attention the truth that “Whoso ever therefore resisteth the pow er, resisteth the ordinance of God” (Romans 13:2). Unworthy though I be, as a com missioned parent, I am in a sense a “minister of God to [my chil dren] for good.” Can I count on your help and support? What kind o f a sermon would my chil dren get if we visited your church ?
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