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Special d /lnn iversary Edition
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Cliftor, J. A H '”
POINTS FOR EMPHAS IS , 1967 by Clifton J. Allen. The 50th an nual volume of our handy, pocket- and purse-size commentary! Stim ulating lessons are at your finger tips with this popular little book. For each lesson— Bible text, brief exposition, and application under the heading “ Truths to Live By." 95«
“ square ” - - another of the good ^ old words, has gone the way of “Love” and “Modesty” and “ Patriotism.” Something to be snickered over or outright laughed at. Why, it used to be there was no higher compliment you could pay a man than to call him a “ square-shoot er.” The ad man’s promise of a “ square deal” once was as bind ing as an oath on the Bible. But today a “ square” is a guy who volunteers when he doesn’t have to. He is a guy who gets his kicks from trying to do a job better than anyone else. He is a boob who gets so lost in his work he has to be reminded to go home. A “ square” is a guy who doesn’t want to stop at the bar and get all juiced up on the way home be cause he prefers to go to his own home, his own dinner table and his own bed. He hasn’t learned to cut corners or to goof off. This creep we call a “ square” gets all choked up when he hears little children singing “My Country, ’Tis o f Thee.” , He even believes in God . . . and says so . . . even in public! Some of the old “ squares” were Nathan Hale, Patrick Henry, George Washington, Ben Frank lin. Some o f the new “ squares” are Glenn, Grissom, Shephard, Carpenter, Cooper and Schirra. John Glenn, that “ square,” says he gets a funny feeling down in side when he sees the flag go by. Says he is proud that he belonged to the Boy Scouts and the YMCA
and learned in Sunday school how to pray. Now how square can you get? A “ square” is a guy who lives within his means whether the Joneses do or not, and thinks his Uncle Sam should too. He doesn’t want to fly now and pay later. A “ square” is likely to save some o f his own money for a rainy day, rather than count on using yours. A “ square” gets his books out of the library instead of the drug store. He tells his son it is more important to play fair than to win. Imagine! A “ square” is a guy who reads scripture when no body is watching, and prays when nobody is listening. A guy who thinks Christmas trees should be green and Christmas gifts should be handpicked. He wants to see America first . . . in everything. He believes in honoring Father and Mother and “ do unto others” and all that kind of stuff. He thinks he knows more than his teenager about car freedom and curfew. Will all you goony birds an swering this description PLEASE STAND UP! You misfits in this brave new age, you dismally dis organized, improperly apologetic ghosts of the past, STAND UP! Stand up and be counted! you “ squares” . . . who turn the wheels of industry and dig the fields and move mountains and put rivets in our dreams. You “ squares” . . . who dignify the human race. You “ squares” . . . who hold the thankful world in place.
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