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1. Spring Holy Und details handled b y tour 2. Sumnwr Holy Land leader, lectures en route, 3. Europe outstanding sights, places 4. South America o f s p e c ia l in te re st to 5. Scenic America Christians, fine fellowship, 6. Fall Holy Land new friends, annual tour > Write today for reunion, happy memories FREE BULLETIN for a lifetime. (A) "Around the World"—sails January (B) "Bethlehem for Christmas"—3 wks., Dec. Specify which tour Addroee: Dr. Joieph F. Free W H E A T O N T O U R S BOX 46B a Dept. K126 e WHEATON, ILLINOIS HO. 9-5883 766-2479 (ß a b u lt ORIENTAL RUG on CLEANERS Largest in the West 545 N. Western Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. SY. 7-5173 ATTENTION: CHURCHES, SCHOOLS, A LL ORGANIZATIONS • Excellent Profits • Little Effort • Effective Results
E a r l y in 1966, a m iss iona ry group of four Auca Christians from the previously savage up river group in Ecuador went to the downriver group, who had never heard of Christ. In the group were two Auca girls, Boika and Oncaye. Originally from the fierce downriver group, they had escaped and subsequently found refuge and salvation with Dayu- ma’s upriver group. Upon arriving at Oncaye’s downriver home, in February, 1966, a shocking sight greeted the missionary party. The bodies of Oncaye’s mother, her sisters, and other relatives, recently speared, lay rotting on the ground. Oncaye and Boika could not even get near because of the vicious preying vultures. The sad party turned back toward their upriver home. The first night as they were making their encampment, they became conscious o f chopping nearby in the otherwise silent jungle. Sud denly a startling fact became clear: an enemy group—perhaps the spearers of Oncaye’s family— were in pursuit. The little party hurried non-stop for three days and nights through the dense jungle to safety in the upriver territory. Upon their return to Dayuma and Rachel Saint in Tiwaeno, they told the sad story. Boika said that they had been talking loudly
in the jungle when they became conscious of the enemy in pur suit, within earshot. “And what were you talking about when you discovered that the others were near enough to hear?” asked Rachel. “We were talking about how sad we were to find our relatives dead,” the girls said. Then Boika added that she remembered say ing, “ If I had listened when God first told me to go, instead o f say ing, ‘Wait till I plant my pea nuts,’ they would still be alive.” Boika has known the Gospel for only a few years, but she had rec ognized the voice and the call of God and confessed that she had disobeyed. How much greater weight of responsibility for ignoring the call to unreached tribes rests upon the established church of Christ nourished for years in Christian lands! Could it be that God has said “Go,” but we have said, “Wait till I plant my pea nuts?” How will peanuts appear in the blazing light at the Judg ment Seat of Christ? Ethel Emily Wallis majored in English at UCLA, and was on the editorial staff of K in g ’ s B u sin ess before becoming a Wy- cliffe Bible Translator in Mexico. She is the author of four books: Lengthened Cords, Otomi Shepherdess, He Purposeth a Crop, and Tariri My Story. She also co authored Two Thousand Tongues to Go.
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