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book reviews by Arnold, D. Ehlert, Librarian, Biola College
Theology in Reconstruction By T. F. Torrance It is doubtful that this book would be chosen for a demonstration of speed reading. It is heavy, not be cause of unnecessary abstruseness, but because of surface popularity to explore some of the basic issues of contemporary theological thinking. The book consists of a collection of essays and addresses, some of which have been previously pub lished, by T. F. Torrance, Professor of Christian Dogmatics at the Uni versity of Edinburgh. These are di vided into three broad sections en titled: The K n ow ledg e of God, Through Jesus Christ, and The Holy Spirit. Under the first broad cate gory, Professor Torrance a rgu e s against the current theological sub jectivism that God must be allowed to speak according to His nature and not be subjected to our pre-supposi tions or forced to speak through our rational grid. He pleads for the same scientific objectivity in theology that has reaped such rich advancements in science, the adaption of modes of rationality that correspond with the nature of the objective reality of God and His revelation. In other words, man, in order to learn of God, must have his mind adapted to God’s rev elation as it is given rather than changing the revelation of God to suit his mind. In the second section, the author demands that theological statements start from God’s revelation in the Incarnation and that all subsequent doctrine be bound by the fact that Jesus Christ is truly God and truly man. In Christ is revealed both the truth of God and the truth of man. The section on the Holy Spirit calls for a renewed understanding of the Spirit as a divine Person and the clear recognition of the distinction between God the Spirit and man’s own subjective spirit. Although following the Barthian view of Scripture and therefore weakening his position to that ex tent, Torrance nevertheless makes a brilliant plea for the church to re pent from its egotistical, sick sub- jectism and once again hear the voice of God.
This is the work of a theologian well versed not only in the present scene but also in a knowledge and ap preciation for the theological heri tage of the church and the divine wisdom gained through previous clashes between God’s Word and man’s thinking. — 288 pages; cloth; William B. Eerdmans Pub. Co.; Grand Rapids; $5.00.—Reviewed by Robert L. Saucy. Congo Crises by Joseph T. Bayly While many stories have been re counted concerning the tragic days of the murderous Congo rebellion, the author captures one of the most heart-touching. It is the chronicle of Charles and Muriel Davis who re lived that period of imprisonment in Stanleyville, Africa at the time Dr. Paul Carlson was martyred. At gun point, the Davises, first-term mis sionaries barely settled in their home, were taken, along with two small children, to an army camp. There they witnessed such things as the “ spur of the moment” killing of a Congolese beside their car. The children looked on in shock and in credulity. Mr. Bayly is the author of the “ Gospel Blimp” and former edi tor of HIS magazine. The book will make challenging reading for people of every age. — 224 pages; cloth; Zondervan Publishing House; Grand Rapids, Mich.; $3.95. BOOK ENDS_________ (A Review of Current Publications) ELBOWS OFF THE TABLE by Faith Coxe Bailey. 159 pages; paper; Moody Press, Chicago, III.; Origirrally published in 1957, the revised edition deals with manners for teenage Christians. It is a complete book of etiquette and is written in teen language. HENRIETTA MEARS AND HOW SHE DID IT bv Ethel May Baldwin and David V . Benson. 34o pages; paper; Regal Books Gospel Light Publica tions, Glendale, C alif.; $.95. Those who knew Dr. Mears have a real treat in store as they reflect upon the daring and dedicated life of this faith ful saint. Not only did she have a zeal and zest for life, but also many talents which the Lord greatly blessed. Those who did not know her will find a heart-warming challenge to accom plish much for the Saviour through the power of the Holy Spirit. THERE I STOOD IN ALL MY SPLENDOR by Ethel Barrett. 213 pages; paper* Regal Books Gospel Light Publications, Glendale, C alif.; $.95. This favorite Christian story teller gives some tremendous insights on life that will make Chris tians not only consider their own personal rela tionship to tne Lord but also what they can do to live Him more fully before the world. Her style is easy to understand and would be prac tical for most any age.
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