King's Business - 1966-12


FORGIVENESS 1. The foundation of it — His blood (Ephesians 1 :7). 2. The author of it — God (Ephesians 4:32). 3. The completeness of it—all (Psalms 103:3). 4. The proclamation of it — preached (Acts 13:38). 5. The reception o f it — all that be­ lieve (Acts 13:39). 6. The certainty o f it — forgiven (I John 2:12). 7. The results of it—saved (Luke 7: 50). 8. The results of it — peace (Luke 7:50). 9. The results of it — blessedness (Psalms 32:1). —Charles Ingles GOD THE JUDGE OF A LL NATIONS A Study of the Book of Amos Amos the prophet had been a shep­ herd of Tekoa. He lived in a postwar period of prosperity and proclaimed the judgment and also the mercy of God. I. GOD IS THE JUDGE OF ALL NATIONS p Seven nations besides Israel are addressed. 2. Their sins are particularized. 3. Their judgment is set forth. II. GOD IS THE JUDGE OF ISRAEL 1. He will judge His own people fo r: 2. The prophet’s confidence is justified by the four visions he sees. 3. America needs prophets like Amos to declare the judgment o f God that will fall when He is forgotten and despised. III. GOD IS A JUDGE OF MERCY AND HOPE 1. The prophecy of Amos 9:13 is a word of hope and blessing. 2. Today as in Amos’ day we can only expect God’s mercy if we turn from our sins and seek His righteousness. —adapted from R. Ames Montgomery ONE ONLY 1. “ One is your Teacher, even Christ” (Matthew 23:8 erv ). 2. “ One is your Master” (Matthew 23:10). 3. “ One is your Father” (Matthew 23:9). 4. “ One Lord” (Ephesians 4 :4 ). a. Personal sins. b. National sins. c. Political sins. d. Religious sins.

“ M y 1 5 y e a rs w ith J o h n R u d in C o m p a n y h a v e b e e n d e e p ly re w a rd in g b o th s p irit­ u a lly a n d fin a n c ia lly . E a rn in g s w e re s u b ­ s ta n tia l fro m th e v e ry b e g in n in g w ith ra p id a d v a n c e m e n t.”

NO INVESTMENT • NOTHING TO BUY - START AT HOME IN YOUR SPARE TIME This is your open door to financial independence. Dignified work with a 42-year-old company highly respected by evangelical leaders in practically every church group. HERE’S WHAT SOME OF OUR MEN AND WOMEN ARE EARNING FULL-TIME AND PART-TIME Mrs. H. M. earned $3,290 in three months. Mr. R. C. of Canada earned over $1,000 a month in the past six months. Mrs. M. W. averaged $101 per week part-time last year. Rev. J. H. made $622 part-time his first month. EARN *10,000 A YEAR AND UP * 7 5 to $ 1 0 0 A W E E K PA R T-TIM ‘THIS IS A MINISTRY...” says Walter Bischoff. “ It seeks to recapture the home as a center of Christian training and influence. It’s fascin­ ating work that blesses one’s own life as well as others.”

Act now and gain financial independence Immediate openings fo r Ch ristian men and women—laymen, hou se­ wives, teachers, church workers and ministers. No investment or obliga­ tion.

MAIL COUPON NOW or phone me today

WALTER BISCHOFF 737 Dale Avenue Glendale, Calif. Phone (213) 246-6432 Please send me complete Infor- mation on your program without cost or obligation. ... .


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