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THY WILL, LORD If I must pass through waters deep, I’ll go and not repine; Or climb the mountain rough and steep, Thy will, dear Lord, not mine. If I must feel the sharpened knife, For pruning back the vine, If this will bring new shoots of life, Thy will, dear Lord, not mine. Or maybe take the lower seat, If this is Thy design, And watch my friends with honor meet, Thy will, dear Lord, not mine. If for a season I am cast Like gold to be refined, Into the oven's fiery blast, Thy will, dear Lord, not mine. Or crushed by sorrow’s piercing dart, As grapes are crushed for wine, If this brings sweetness to Thy heart, Thy will, dear Lord, not mine. It’s in the night time, not at day, The stars in beauty shine. The darkness forms the milky way. Thy will, dear Lord, not mine. So come what may, I will not stray, But to Thy plan resip. I still will walk the narrow way, Thy will, dear Lord, not mine. — Bill McChesney, missionary martyr; written as freshman missionary A GREAT LIGHT "And they found Mary, and Joseph, and the Babe, lying in a manger." A gray dove perched in the rafters, A new star blazed in the sky; From the shadows surrounding the manger Echoed an Infant's low cry, Great love was shared in the stable, Infinite peace filled the night, A luminous flame touched faith's candle, And mankind walked in the light. — E. S. McLaughlin EDITORIAL continued from p. 7 beloved land. Yet at least as indi viduals we can stand for what we believe to be right and let the world know in definite terms on which side we are, whose we are and whom we serve. May the Lord help us to do this to His honor and glory. Let our reply to that question which will go down in infamy, “When Can I Start to Drink, Dad?” be an em phatic, fervent “ By the grace of God, not ever, my son, not ever!”
A t r e d u c e d r a t e s y o u c a n p r o v i d e y o u r f r i e n d s a n d l o v e d o n e s w i t h a g i f t s u b s c r i p t i o n t o T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S .
T h e y w i l l a p p r e c i a t e t h e h e l p f u l m a t e r i a l e a c h mon t h .
U se th e h a n d y e n v e l o p e a t t a c h e d
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