can make your young people more proficient in witnessing, personal Bible study, prayer life, and Chris tian service. Q. What are some of the specific du ties of youth sponsors? A . Here is a brief checklist: youth meetings. 2. Attend the planning meetings of your young people. 3. Attend the socials of your youth group. 4. Give advice to the young peo ple as needed when they plan their programs and various activities. 5. Work closely with those who are leaders and officers. 6. Seek to know each young per son in your group. To work ef fectively as a coach, you must know the members of the team. 7. Attend conferences, clinics, workshops and lea d e r sh ip training classes on youth char acteristics and various phases of youth work. 8. Co-operate with your church officers and all other leaders concerned with the young peo ple of your church. 9. Above all, pray! Pray for yourself, your young people and your program. Q. Is it possible for the program of the church to be too organized? A . It is undoubtedly possible for anything to be overly organized to the point where it loses its effective ness. However, it seems to be com monly true that more churches would err in the other direction. Organiza tion is necessary to provide a struc ture for carrying a church program through to its goals as well as af fording an efficient body through which the Spirit of God can work. A good policy is to keep organization as simple as possible, providing for flexibility to meet changing needs and allowing for the maximum par ticipation of the church membership. A . The wise teacher should be aware of the problems faced by children to day for these help to explain their conduct. One problem faced by many is a broken home. This can cause a young person to feel a lack of secu rity and to be emotionally unstable. Another problem is that in many homes today there is a lack of spirit- Continued on p. A6 Q. What are some of the problems children face in today’s world?
Rev. Richard DeHaan Teacher Radio Bible Class
I N the text (Revelation 20:12) we have the record of an autopsy per formed on the wicked at the judg ment of the Great White Throne. We are familiar with the word “ au topsy” which means an examina tion of a dead body, primarily per formed to determine the cause of death. The expression comes from two Greek words: “ auto” (self) and “ opsis” (seeing). It means: “ seeing for one’s self.” At the judgment of the Great White Throne every lost sinner will be examined to determine the degree of punishment for his sin. More recently another word has come into prominence in medical circles. It is the word “biopsy.” It too comes from two Greek words “bios” (life) and “ opsis” (seeing) and means: “ examining a living body.” In a biopsy a section of a certain tissue is taken from a liv ing body in order to diagnose the presence of disease, and thus to in stitute the proper treatment to pro
duce a cure. An autopsy is an ex cellent thing for diagnosing the CAUSE of disease, but it is too late to do anything about it. A BIOPSY is an examination for the purpose of CURING the disease if possible by arriving at the correct diagnosis. A biopsy is designed to give life, an autopsy is only to find the cause of death. God offers to every sinner a biopsy in His Word. The diagnosis of the disease of sin is found for example in Ro mans 6:23, but in the same verse God offers the remedy for it. The verse reads: “ For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” Don’t wait for an autopsy after death. At the judgment it will be too late! Submit yourselves to the Great Physician now while you are still alive. THOT: The Great Physician has never lost a case!
The above selected from the daily devotional guide, OUR DAILY BREAD, as written by Richard DeHaan, Henry Bosch, and the late Dr. M. R. DeHaan, is published monthly by RADIO BIBLE CLASS. OUR DAILY BREAD presents interesting meditations, poems, and a thought for every day of the month. Your copy is waiting for you— FREE and POSTPAID- and is yours just for the asking.
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T H E C L A S S B R O A D C A S T , w i t h R i c h a r d D e H a a n , is h e a r d o n o v e r 6 0 0 r a d i o s t a t i o n s a r o u n d t h e w o r l d . M a k e lis t e n in g a " m u s t ” f o r t h e m o s t p r o f i t a b l e h a l f h o u r o f y o u r w e e k . A s k f o r F R E E P r o g r a m L o g s h o w i n g w h e r e R A D IO B IB L E C L A S S is h e a r d . R A D I O B IB L E
Coming Next Month ••• The J an u a r y K IN G ’S BUSINESS w il l begin a specia l fou r -par t series o n C h u r c h H i s t o r y . Christian R a d i o B r o a d c a s t i n g w i l l b e h i g h l i g h t e d .
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