Sunday School
parts are to be emphasized. This can be done as you teach the lesson. 3. I llustrate the L esson . A quick sketch of the tabernacle, for instance, will help students to a better understanding of the lesson taught. 4. To G et A ttention . Often a sin gle word such as “Sin,” “Love,” “ Justification — ju st-a s -if-I- never-sinned,” pr inted on the board, will gain and focus at tention on the subject to be dis cussed. 5. To F acilitate C lass P artici pation . Ask a student to trace Paul’s missionary journeys on a map you have drawn on the board. A student also could re arrange the order of events in Christ’s last days on earth. 6. To G ive a T est . Write the ques tions for a “ quickie quiz” or a full - scale test on the board. Have each student answer on a sheet of paper given them. 7. To M ake A ssignments . Bible drills, references, reading as signments, etc., written before hand with the student’s name attached, always will be effec tive. Homework for the next lesson also will be clearly read and understood. 8. E m ph a s ize A nnouncements . Much time and effort will be spared if you use the chalk board to announce time, place, things to bring, cost, and other details for any class or S.S. function. 9. To D efine W ords . Any difficult- to-understand word or concept should be printed on the board. Explain the word or have the class pronounce the word with you. 10. To M ake P rayer P urposeful . Before you pray, list the specific things you are going to pray about. 11. To E m p h a s i z e the L esson A im . Any lesson aim will be re membered if you write or print it on the board before, during, or at the time you conclude the lesson. 12. I ntroduce N ew M em bers . Every new member or visitor could be introduced to the class before the lesson begins. Writ ing the names on the board will make newcomers feel genuinely welcome and will help all to re member the persons’ names and to spell them. There is no doubt about it. A chalkboard is one of our best teach ing tools. Use it in one or two dif ferent ways every Sunday.
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