King's Business - 1966-12

would mean not merely that a certain seasonal program is scheduled, but the background story of a young person who came to the Lord at camp or some per­ tinent quotes from the messages brought by an evangelist is in­ cluded. Even as those at home en­ joy reading of the Lord’s working in a special way on the field, so also are missionaries encouraged to learn of blessings and results in the home churches. 5. Don’t feel that your letter must be lengthy. Instead of apolo­ gizing for two pages because you have nothing to say, enclose a clipping or news item that you have found interesting: a short poem or devotional meditation that has been of special help to you; a cartoon that struck you as unusually funny; a new or a time- tested recipe that involves ingre­ dients available to the mission­ ary ; or a newspaper column such as “ Hints from Heloise” or “ Dear Abby” where the material might be pertinent to the missionaries’ use. 6. If you are planning a pro­ gram you will find that most mis­ sionaries are very anxious that the needs of their field be publi­ cized and will gladly supply in­ formation when given sufficient advance notice. I f you are re­ questing that photos, slides, or curios be sent, do not ask the mis­ sionary to let you know what it costs. This places him in the em­ barrassing position of having to send a bill for his services. Much more thoughtful would be to en­ close a check which you are rea­ sonably certain will cover the ex­ pense. 7. Expect an answer. By fol­ lowing these hints you have made the reply to your letter less a chore and more a pleasure. A mis­ sionary is not ignorant of the fact that those who will take the time and interest to write are also those who will take the time and interest to pray. While he may be able to survive without mail, he has no hope for a useful minis­ try without prayer.

I Saw Petra Land Time Forgot Missing Missionaries My Life to Live Africa Awakes Red Terror in Malaya Teen to Teen

Land of Promise Heavens Declare Broken Fragments George Muller Story Crisis in Morality India's Sorrow Siam

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Phone: 691-1163 D I A ! A E l l l f l C <3800 BIOLA AVE. D lULA rum a u MIRADA, calif . Order The Tract HERBERT W. ARMSTRONG: MR. CONFUSION 12 for 50c — 25 for $1.00 Cash with order — we pay postage. Order from: REV. ROGER CAMPBELL 3300 Territorial Road Benton Harbor, Michigan RUSHING TO RUSSIANS1 jg and others with the Gospel. Your prayers and help needed to support Slavic and other Missionaries in Europe, Alaska, the Americas, sending Gospel literature, and broadcasting the Gospel to Russia. Write for free Slavic Gospel News. | SLAVIC G O S P E L A SSO C IA TIO N Peter Deyneka, General Director. | Dept. K 2434 N. Kedzie Blvd., Chicago, III. 60647 Prayer MAY WE PRAY FOR « / YOUR REQUESTS? Send to Prayer Time, The King’s Business maga­ zine, 558 So. Hope, Los Angeles 17, California. MORMONS ARE LOST Thousands of precious souls are perishing in Mormonism. Help us with your prayers and gifts to reach them for Christ. Mission To The Mormons Rev. Harry A. McGimsey, Director Post Office Box 188 Hemet, California 92343



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