King's Business - 1966-12

CULTS CRITIQUE by Betty BrueeHert

Q. What is the Megiddo Mission of Rochester, New York? Is it not a kind of cvlt? A. Yes, it is a unique mission- church-school-type sect, founded by L. T. Nichols, 1844-1912, an itiner­ ant preacher. Nichols led a group of followers from Wisconsin to Oregon in 1904. At first he preached the Gospel, then claimed private revela­ tions o f his own and turned to law­ keeping as a means of salvation. From preaching in rural churches, he went on to the inland waterways of the U.S. Evidently greatly influ­ enced by Seventh-Day Adventism and Russellism (now Jehovah’s Wit­ nesses), Nichols and thirty families left their homes and went aboard a three-deck steamboat called The Megiddo to “ sound the midnight cry” along the Mississippi. They travelled from St. Paul to Nashville, disembarking enroute in Middle Western towns where they set up tents and propagated their doctrines. Later they carried on the same type of work on the Ohio River. After some time, they moved to a per­ manent location in Rochester. Vari­ ous leaders succeeded Nichols, one a woman; a group of young men, call­ ing themselves the Megiddo Progres­ sive Workers, engaged in the work in the Upper Hudson River and Lake Champlain area, covering the coun­ tryside on foot and bicycles. At first, as one reads the history of this sect, it appears to be a rustic, innocuous body of people. The zeal of its followers seems commendable. So an examination of their Scrip­ ture-denying views comes as a shock. Space does not permit a review of all of their views, but among them are the following, with quotations from their own publication, History of the Megiddo Mission: Denial of Christ’s -pre-existence: “ Christ had no existence before His birth; He was plainly said to have been ‘made of a woman, made under the law1 and could not have existed before the woman of whom He was made.” Denial of the Trinity: “ This is a doctrine of pagan origin, which de­ fies both reason and mathematics” (borrowed wholly from Jehovah’s Witnesses). Denial of Heaven: “ The Bible plain­ ly teaches that the earth — not the heaven above — but the earth — T H E K IN G 'S BU SIN ESS

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