Some Things
Teaching a Child to Pray
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W h e n a c h i l d begins talking with his family, he is old enough to begin talking with God. God is very real to a little child. The mere detail of not being able to see Him doesn’t bother him at all. Conversations with God are as natural as conversation with any loved one— like talking over the telephone, where not being able to see a person makes no dif ference whatever. A child’s prayers will be little ones at first, prayers in keeping with small thoughts and small ex periences. But they will grow as he grows, and he will find his way into rich prayer-living if you will but guide him on the proper paths. Teach him to pray not from the surface, but from the deep places of his heart, to pray not only for physical and material blessings, but for blessings of the spirit, too. It doesn’t take an adult to pray for a loving heart, strength to fight against the devil, help to live for Jesus every day. Teach your child not only how to ask, but how to thank, as well, lest far too many o f his prayers be pleas. Help him to thank his Father for familiar things at first: for dew-drops on a flower’s face, the tumbling of a pup, a warm sweater on a cold day, bread when it has jam on it— and when it does not. As he grows in gratitude, he’ll come to thank his Father for greater blessings: for soundness of mind and body, for love of family and friends, and, above all, for a Saviour. As we teach our little ones to pray, we find that we are being taught. As we attempt to guide them, we find that they are guid ing us into a closer relationship with the Father and into a deep er understanding o f Christ’s ad monition : “Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven” (Matt. 18:3).
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