Doable Timeis Here!
a message from ■A the editor Ä
T h i s q u e s t i o n appeared at the head o f a full-page advertisement which ran just before last Fathers’ Day in leading national magazines and metropolitan newspapers. It was inserted by a well-known distillery which very piously and hypocritically went on to suggest that a young man should not begin to drink until he comes to the age o f maturity in his thinking; that his father should recommend that he not drink until he arrives at that time o f life; then that he should drink with moderation and thus enjoy all o f the finer things o f life. Certainly this is one o f the most devilishly clever advertise ments to appear in a long time, for it assumes, in the first place, that all fathers are drinkers; in the second place, it intimates that all drinkers are only moderate drinkers; in the third place, it pre supposes that moderate drinking is perfectly healthy and harm less. It ignores completely the fact that the number one killer on our public highways throughout the country is alcohol; that the first cause o f juvenile crime is alcohol; that the biggest single expense in the country, so far as occupants o f mental institutions are concerned, is due directly or indirectly to the influence and effects o f alcohol. It disregards the proof that alcohol is responsi ble for the greatest cost in connection with our local police depart ments, not to mention that it is the largest single cost in connec tion with our whole judicial and law-enforcement system. I f drinking o f alcoholic beverages were non-habit forming, that would be one thing, but the simple facts are that it IS habit- forming. The habit grips all too many individuals until they can not think normally, rationally or within reason, and the conditions described above are the inevitable results. The grimly humorous fact is that while all too often we hear men say, " I can take it or leave it,” they always "take” it until finally it takes them, and the last state o f such individuals is far worse than the first. We do not know how many church leaders saw this particular ad when it hit the newspapers, but the leaders o f at least one church (The Hinson Memorial Baptist Church o f Portland, Ore gon) did take note o f it. They published a subsequent advertise-
Two Great
Teaching H e lp » . . . both on ly 75 BROADMAN COMMENTS, 1967 Hugh R. Peterson and five others. Your finest help available on the Internation al Sunday School Lessons. For each lesson— an easy-to-use teaching plan, stimulating exposition o f Bible materi al, brief lesson outlines, bibliographies, and visual-aid suggestions. Regularly $2.95 13TH APOSTLE Richard A . Johns. A fictionalized auto biography o f Paul the apostle. This book will make Paul’s experiences come to life as you study the 26 Sunday School lessons in 1967 which are taken from Acts. An excellent teaching aid and inspiring reading. Regularly $3.50
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