ONE OF THE MOST EXCITING NEW ENDEAVORS IS STARTING A NEW EDUCATIONAL MEETING IN THE UNITED STATES. Dr. Per Heden from Stockholm, Sweden, and I are hosting our inaugural plastic surgery meeting, Beauty Through Science-NEW YORK December 1-3, 2022 in Times Square.
By Bethany Shively, DNP, FNP-BC, PMHNP-C
Non-surgical vaginal rejuvenation has become a more popular treatment not only in the aesthetics industry, but in gynecological offices and even in primary care, as this is an area that can negatively impact women’s health. We are happy to have offered diVa laser as a non-surgical option for over a year at our practice with outstanding results. diVa is a laser designed for the vaginal tissue that targets a variety of functional concerns. With improvements in stress incontinence (leaking during coughing/sneezing/laughing), internal laxity/ looseness, external laxity/looseness, sensation dysfunction, and vaginal dryness/painful intercourse, it has become a popular treatment amongst our population. Many women note significant changes during and after menopause or even sooner after delivering children. diVa is a simple, in-office procedure that addresses many of these concerns with minimal downtime. Recommendations can vary based on the patient and situation, but most women are seen for a series of 3 treatments, one month apart, and with minimal downtime. While results will last months/years, some women may require additional treatments or a “maintenance” treatment 1-2 years after their series. Schedule a consultation to see if diVa laser may be the right option for your women’s health needs.
Dr. Heden began BTS Stockholm two decades ago, and three years ago we joined forces to continue the Stockholm meeting annually and now have expanded it to the United States. This Meeting is unique as it includes leading Dermatologists and Plastic Surgeons from around the world, coming together to bring education on the most advanced treatments and technologies in our industry. I am very excited to bring together the very best educators to advance Aesthetic Education to the highest level in the U.S. and around the world.
— Dr. Bradley Calobrace
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