Queen's College Bulletin (14.10.22)

Art Update Senior School

Ms Cade is so proud of her year 10 pupils ’ landscape panting, from their lesson this week. The pupils have chosen the artist they have focused on and really embraced painting in an experimental way. We are excited to see what do next!

Year 10 pupils have been working on their GCSE art work and painting and experimenting using a mixture of coffee, tea, beetroot, soy sauce, balsamic vinegar, turmeric, chilli powder and lots of other interesting things!

'They are looking at the artist Carne Griffiths' artwork. I am very proud of how the pupils went for the challenge and embraced using the different powders and liquids to paint with, some very exciting art work in progress.

Year 9 Scholars Event

Monday saw Year 9 scholars learning about the importance of encryption and how it has evolved over the years. They started looking at a simple encryption using a Caesar cipher wheel to break an encrypted message, then discussing ways that it could easily be broken and looking at how it could be improved by using differing shifts for alternate letters. They then had to solve how a message could be sent using two key encryption.

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