Queen's College Bulletin (14.10.22)

News and Announcements

Upcoming Parent Social Events Coffee Mornings

Last year we organised some parents ’ coffees after morning drop off from 8.00 - 9.30am. These proved popular and a super way for parents to meet and catch up with each other across the College. Please find below the dates we have planned to hold these this term. We very much hope you will be able to join us even if it is for a quick hello. Please come to the main Senior School Reception in School House and we will guide you to the Dining Hall from there.

Q Friday 25 November

Q Friday 9 December (tbc)

Other Social Dates:

Q Year 7 Parents Drinks - Thursday 20 October, 7.00 - 9.00pm (other year group dates will follow)

Christian Union

A Christian Union will be starting on Friday break times in EAL, room 1. It will be a similar format to 'A bit of cake, bit of God' that ran for many years. There will be discussion / reflection, a short video clip and, of course, cake!

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