Sea Tales 2023/2024 Family Cruise Travel Planner

• Adults looking for a sophisticated, intimate small ship experience. • Travelers seeking an educational experience and a vacation filled with history and culture. • Seasoned travelers and adults who are destination-oriented. • Highly educated travelers looking for a history-rich vacation. • Those seeking to meet experts in their fields who have a vast knowledge of the cities visited. • Those who enjoy an educational type of vacation. • Those who enjoy traveling and conversation with noteworthy academic experts.

Chapter XXV T he P olar R egions

If you are thinking a visit to a polar region is right for your family, please feel free to read this ebook. 6 ice-cold facts about the Arctic Circle in Norway - 66° 34’. That’s the latitude that marks the beginning of the Earth’s northernmost point: the Arctic Circle. 66° 34’ is also the latitude above which you can explore the many wonders of Arctic Circle Norway, from the colorful sky ballet of the northern lights to the relentless golden rays of the midnight sun. Are you ready to learn more about this unique part of the country? 1. The Arctic Circle splits Norway almost in two - If you look at what percentage of Norway is above the Arctic Circle, you’ll be in for a surprise: almost half of the country lies north of the Arctic. In fact, the total area of mainland Norway above the Arctic circle is around 96,225 km2. The reason for that is that Norway is one of the most stretched-out countries in the world; it reaches from 58°N at its southernmost point to 81°N at its northernmost point. 2. The exact border of Arctic Circle Norway slowly changes over time - Perhaps you will be surprised to know that the Arctic Circle is not set in stone — not literally at least. Because the Earth’s axis is slowly changing (very slowly: every 40,000 years or so!), so does the exact position of the Arctic Circle in Norway. Practically, this means that every year, the boundary line retreats by 14-15 meters northward. 3. The Midnight Sun lasts all day long in the summer - One of the natural phenomena that have put Arctic Norway in so many people’s bucket list as a travel destination (and rightly so) is the Midnight Sun. Above the Arctic Circle, and because our planet tilts on its axis, the sun during the summer stays above the horizon — facing the regions of Arctic Norway all day long. This results in the 24-hour, warm, golden daylight we call Midnight Sun, usually from late April-early May to the end of July-early August. 4. The Northern Lights make Arctic winter magical - Winter in Arctic Norway may be dark, as the sun only rises for a few hours and in many areas not at all — but the Northern Lights more than make up for it. Also known as Aurora Borealis (which loosely translates to “the rosy colors of dawn in the North”), this breathtaking phenomenon is owed to electrically charged particles from the sun entering the Earth’s atmosphere. These particles are drawn to the stronger magnetic field around the North Pole, where they interact with the ozone and oxygen layers of the upper parts of the atmosphere. That’s how we get the mesmerizing swirls and waves of pinks, blues and greens in the sky!

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