EVo Ultra Factsheet #8 - Oct 22 JUPITER

EVO Ultra Jupiter Group Factsheet for Meeting 7.30am to 10am, Wednesday 19 October

Meeting In-Person

Malindi became Agent for the South West in February 2020, having joined the agency as Deputy Agent in April 2018. She leads the Bank’s team in the South West, speaking to businesses and business representative organisations, as well as community and charity organisations, to bring the real economy into the Bank’s policy making areas. She brings with her 25 years of working with economic data, to underpin analysis, forecasting and policy. Before she joined us, Malindi worked for HM Treasury; the Office for National Statistics; the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs and the European Commission. She enjoys understanding and explaining what is going on in the economy, particularly as she put it “in this fast changing economic landscape”. Malindi studied economics at Durham University and environmental economics at University College London. She grew up in Kenya and Oxford, and previously rowed for Great Britain winning four World Championship medals. She also enjoys running, walking, swimming and being outdoors, in nature – a relic perhaps from her childhood.

Guest Speaker: Malindi Myers Bank of England


David Dulieu ddulieu@gsverde.group

Rayner Davies rayner@camdempropertie s.co.uk linkedin.com/in/rayner- davies-5687a251/

William Moore william@airboxsystems.c om linkedin.com/in/william- moore-11683215/

Allan Harper MInstR aharper@climalife.dehon .com linkedin.com/in/ allanharper/

Roger Proctor MBE roger.proctor@proctors.co .uk linkedin.com/in/ rogerproctor/

Graham Hirst gee@ministryo ff urniture.com

linkedin.com/in/david- dulieu-88683b55/

linkedin.com/in/graham-gee- hirst-97a4525/

Thomas Wood thomaswood@rawlings bristol.co.uk linkedin.com/in/tom- wood-3a62041/

Kaan Can mkncan@gmail.com linkedin.com/in/ mehmet-kaan-can- 21a036157/

Craig Headford craig@headfordgroup. com linkedin.com/in/tom- wood-3a62041/

Joe Boll joe@clicktrader.io linkedin.com/in/ joseph-boll-90785738/

Jessica Morgan jessica@tinywizardstud io.com linkedin.com/in/ chiefwizard/

Ian Workman - Chair iansworkman@outlook. com linkedin.com/in/ian- workman/

EVO Ultra Jupiter Members

Prospective Jupiter Group Members

Andy Davies andy.davies@adwaves.co.uk https://www.linkedin.com/in/ andyldavies/

Gary Miller gary.miller@parcemanhill.com https://www.linkedin.com/in/ firstghm/

Visiting Mercury Group Member

Greg Harris Greg@unividual.co.uk

https://www.linkedin.com/in/ portishead-financial-adviser/


The Ultra Boardroom (online only) https://us06web.zoom.us/j/88430702953

Attendance Attendance isn’t mandatory, but ‘subs’ cannot attend in a Member’s place. We politely ask Members to try not to leave early, as we will usually conclude a meeting with an accountability round in preparation for the following meeting. To get the full benefit of the tried and tested peer group system - we strongly recommend treating each meeting as a client meeting and ring fencing the dates in your diary.

Confidentiality We ask all members to follow the commonly understood ‘Chatham House Rules’. Each Member agrees not to discuss any ULTRA Member’s business with anybody outside the of the group or disclose who the other Members are. Equally, all ideas are shared/given by Members freely with no expectation later of any form of financial reward, IP or compensation etc. No Member can be held liable for advice given either.

Please make use of the ULTRA Jupiter Group 2-way WhatsApp chat

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