Diamond Lazy J Ranch - Bull Sale [1/23/25]


The Diamond Lazy J Ranch would like to welcome you to our annual bull sale. What a great time to be in the cattle business. The industry is experiencing record high cattle prices, and we believe we have a group of bulls that will allow you to maximize your profits in the coming years. Our bulls are developed using the resources of the Sandhills and our grass and hay program is designed to maintain the body condition of the bulls during and after the breeding season. Buyers continue to comment on the great disposition of the bulls, the performance of the calves, and the maternal traits of their replacement heifers. This combination not only increases the longevity of the bulls and cows in your herd, but also the profitability of your ranch. This set of bulls will allow you to increase your bottom line. Family has always been a big part of the Diamond Lazy J Ranch and continues to be one of our goals. The third generation is now beginning to play an active role in the ranch. There is noth- ing better than having a family day of working with cattle while instilling the core values of hard work, responsibility, and family. That’s what we call “Family Ranching at Its Finest”. As always, we would love to have you stop by to look at cattle or just for a visit. The coffee is always on, and we would love to have you share a meal with us. We hope to see you on the seats at Valentine Livestock on January 23, 2025. Sincerely, The Nollette’s


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