NOVAphysiotherapy_Stride Toward Pain-Free Knees & Hips


HOW CAN IT HELP YOU? Whenpairedwithour traditional exercise-based physiotherapy treatmentsandadvancedmanual therapy techniques, we have foundthatthevastmajorityofour patients achieved the pain-free goals theywereaiming towards. WILL IT HURT? Mostofourpatientsreportfeeling little to no discomfort when undergoing treatments. Some patientsmay experiencea“twitch response” with the insertion of theneedle,comparabletoaquick musclecramporache.The24-48 hours following treatment may result inmusclesoreness,which should go away on its own. Sore muscles can be treated at home byapplying iceand/orheatpacks and drinking plenty of fluids. Wanttospeeduprecoverytime and return to your daily life as quickly as possible? Request your appointment today!


GARLIC BUTTER MEATBALLS WITH ZUCCHINI PASTA • 1/2 lbground turkey • 1/2 lbgroundpork

• 1 tsp Italianseasoning • 1/2 tspcrushedredchilipepper flakes • 3 tbspbutter • 4mediumzucchini,spiralized

Dry Needling is a safe and effective method of treatment to reduce pain and muscle tension, while simultaneously improving mobility. It has been proven to treat numerous musculoskeletal issues, including acute and chronic injuries,overuse injuries, neck pain, headaches, back pain, sciatica, muscle spasms, muscle strains, tendinitis, knee pain, hip pain, fibromyalgia, tennis elbow, golfer’s elbow, and more. When performing dry needling, our physiotherapist will insert a sterile needle through the skin, into the underlying tendons, ligaments, or muscles that have been affected, in order to relieve pain, decrease muscle tension, and improve mobility.

• 1/2cupshreddedcheese • 1crumbledbouilloncube • 1 tbsphotsauce • 1cup freshchoppedcilantro • 4clovesgarlic,grated+2cloves garlic,minced

• lemon juice • salt (to taste) • blackpepper (to taste)

TURKEY MEATBALLS: Combine ground turkey and pork, cheese, grated garlic, Italianseasoning,bouilloncube,redchilipepperflakes,choppedcilantroandblack pepper.Mixwell toformmediumballs.Arrangemeatballsonaplateandsetaside. Melt2tbspbutter inalargeskilletovermedium-lowheat.Cookmeatballsfor8-10 minonallsidesuntilcookedthrough.Whilecooking,bastemeatballs inbutterand juices.Removeandsetaside. ZUCCHININOODLES: Meltremainingbutterandaddlemonjuice,hotsauce,minced garlic,andredpepperflakes.Addzucchininoodlesandcook for3-4min,stirring regularly, until done yet still crisp. Season with salt/pepper and garnish with cilantro.Add themeatballsback to thepanandreheat foraboutaminute.Serve themeatballsandzucchininoodles immediatelywitha lemonsliceon theside.

Walking Lunge Stand comfortably with your feet shoulder width apart. Take a large step forward with one leg, keeping your back foot in starting position while rolling onto your toes. Keep your spine straight and your forward and back knees bent, so that you make right angles with your hip, knee, and ankle. As you lunge, you should feel a stretch across the front of the hip and thigh. Hold for 30 seconds and repeat 2-5 times. EXERC I SE ESSENT I ALS USE THIS EXERCISE TO KEEP YOU MOVING


Originally from Pictou County, Nova Scotia, RobbieobtainedhisBachelorofSciencedegree intheFacultyofPureandAppliedSciencefrom Acadia University. He then pursued his goal to become a physiotherapist and earned his Bachelor of Science in Physiotherapy degree fromDalhousieUniversity in2001. Robworked inprivatepractice for3yearsbeforeopening NovaPhysiotherapywithphysiotherapistJeff Walsh in 2004.

Sinceenteringpractice in2001,Robhastakena long listofpostgraduation education inhiseffortstoprovideconsistenthighqualitycarewhilefocusing onmanysportsrelated injuriessustained insuchsportsas,butnot limited to:running,golf,contactsports includingmartialartsand injuriessustained from the strength and conditioning aspect of sports in general. Over thepast5years,Robhas takenaspecial interest in themany injuries sustained from the sport of running. He currently runs the only 3D Gait MotionCapture lab that is found inaclinicalsettingeastofOntario. Itwas his clinical experience working with this system that he co-founded Run- Well, a program specifically designed for the runner. With the detailed biomechanical assessment obtained from the 3D Gait Analysis and the collaborative efforts of the rest of the team, Run-Well is able to assess and treat the root cause of the injury, as well as, identify and treat injuries before they even arise. Rob offers a comprehensive range of treatment techniques along with modalities with an evidence based focus in his pursuit to provide quality care in a professional, enthusiastic, and engaging manor. He also has experienceasatrainerworkingforlocalathletesandsportsteams including professionalMMAathletes,provincialrugbyteamsandhighschoolfootball.


Alwaysconsultyourphysiotherapistor physicianbeforestartingexercisesyou are unsure of.

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